Part 25

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Thanks to my magic being as strong as it's ever been, I spend my time waiting for him using it to build myself a glamorous, gothic fortress. It has fancy doors to protect me, the queen. The floor is black crystal and marble, streaked with such a dark red that only in the right lighting it would catch your eye. I remain on my throne as I watch it all build up around me. What a shame if it were to be abandoned...

I sit on my throne, waiting. I check my nails, casually lounging sideways with my legs dangling off the armrest of my black obsidian royal seat. I twirl the emerald and diamond ring on my left hand, admiring the irony of this moment. I lean my head back, relaxing it while the faint sounds of screaming embrace my ears. I smile slightly as they grow louder.

I can hear the screams now, just outside the door... the screams he's causing. Within seconds, the doors slam open. Loki strides in, his face splattered with blood.

"Took you long enough." I taunt with a cheeky smile. I raise my hand to pull up the side of my dress, exposing the dagger strapped to my thigh. I set my legs down, sitting upright. "If you want me, come and get me."

He smiles wickedly at me, taking a step towards me. "Oh dear, aren't you too clever by half." He charges me as I stand to me feet, holding the dagger in my hand low at my side.

"Come and get it." I say under my breath.

The guards by the sides of my throne leap to protect their queen as instructed, but Loki eliminates them in seconds. He grabs me by the neck and throws me to the ground, and I catch myself. I slide backwards on my feet, then stand to throw the dagger at him. He catches it and tosses it to the ground, not breaking eye contact. He swaggers over to me, wiping a bit of blood from his mouth.

"I have slaughtered your kingdom, I have wasted you people. Surrender." He demands.

"I guess I have no reason to stay in this hell hole. A queen is not if her people are dead."

"What a shame, then." he says, grabbing me by the waist and giving me a sly smirk.

"Are you going to kill me, Loki of Asgard?" I look up at him, gazing deeply into his eyes. They're lustful and dangerous. I think he enjoyed the slaughter a little too much.

"If that's what you want." He says with arrogance.

"Unless, you'd rather..." I say, biting my lip.

"Jump." He demands, and I hop in the air as he catches me by my thighs and I wrap my legs around him. He holds me against the wall of the fortress, kissing me hard.

"I guess I have no choice but to surrender to you." I say breathily and in between passionate kisses.

"Not protesting, are you?" He asks, biting my lip.

"No..." I moan, letting my head rest against the wall as his lips travel down my neck.

"Then I say we finish this war once and for all with... a truce."

"I accept." I say, kissing him one more time while he lets my legs back down.

"You were wonderful, dear." He says, walking over to my dagger that he threw to the floor earlier and giving it back to me.

"It was fun, but you're the one who put on the better performance. The way you swaggered in here was very realistic, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say you really thought about killing me for a second." I say, taking the dagger and tucking it back in it's home.

"No, darling. But those weak guards of yours sure thought it."

"Please, they were useless. I'm better off with you as my body guard than anyone else."

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