Part 19

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*Trigger warning: death and..... and another sex scene I'm not sorry.*


"Let's be reasonable about this." He says, quivering as I glare at him. I turn my eyes red, showing him I'm not here to play around. 

"Sure, let's be reasonable. let's start with how you married my mom, probably against her will, because she was pregnant with me. Did she tell you it wasn't yours? Why didn't you want Tony involved?" I start interrogating him.

"Did you really want a father who made weapons for a living? He was headed into the family business, I couldn't have that for you." He says, still plastered against the counter in the kitchen.

"I see, you didn't believe I could survive in that kind of risky environment." I say, shaking my hands in the air to mock his lousy excuse for a protective father. "And I guess you couldn't let me have a mother, either. Why did you kick her out?" I yell, pointing a dagger I had magically pulled from the air in his face.

"Put the knife down."

"Why should I?"

"Because, I'm your father. I know I kept he truth from you, but I... I loved you." He says, trying to turn me soft. I lower my dagger, chuckling at him.

'It's adorable that you think you could possibly manipulate me with that good cop crap. You're afraid of me, aren't you?"

"You startled me, that's all. I know you, Ayca. You can't be scary. Behind those knives and that dark hair, you're just a sweet girl. You're trying to be something you're not. This isn't you."

"Underestimate me, that'll be fun for you!" I raise my dagger back up.

"What happened to you?" He yells, suddenly moving from off the counter and into my face.

"Some fear the fire while some become it, David. You don't know shit about me, you don't know shit about my mother and you sure don't fucking know shit about my father!" I yell at him, pushing him to the ground and keeping him down with my foot on his chest. "You left mom for dead, out in the open. She was so scared when war broke out that she had to change her name. You tore this family apart before it even began, and yet you live here content with your daily life. How do you live with yourself, David? How do you get up every morning, knowing that you only fueled the fire in the end."

"I am not your enemy, Ayca!"

"Like hell you aren't! And may God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as fuck won't." I say, kicking him in his abdomen. My fingers turn black and my skin starts to smoke, but I can control it. I want to show him what he's dealing with now.

"Please, please just let me go! Please, god! Just let me go!" I lean down over him, clutching his throat in my hand.

"I've met God, he had nothing nice to say about you."

I stay completely calm, my face showing no emotion while I choke him. He pathetically squirms under my grip, struggling for air. Loki hasn't come inside to stop me yet. I wonder if he's going to actually let me kill this son of a bitch.

After a few moments, David stops moving. I let go and check his pulse. Nothing. I stand tall over him and am finally joined by Loki.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I ask him, not taking my eyes off the dead body in front of me.

"You really think I was going to try and save this pathetic excuse for a man?" He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's a valid point."

I walk away, leaving him on the ground. Loki follows me back into the car and puts his hand on the wheel to stop me from driving away just yet. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Fine. Hungry." I say, pulling out of the spot I had parking in and driving away.

We drive for about ten minutes before he speaks up again. He sees me turn away from the direction of the hotel, and turns to me. "You should really rest, Ayca." He says while I drive us into a restaurant parking lot.

"No, here's what I want. I want an American cheeseburger, and I want a shower."


"Cheeseburger first."

Loki shakes his head at me, smiling slightly. He knows I get what I want, but still likes to argue about it. It's cute.

"How about when we get back to the hotel I draw you a bath. How does that sound?"

"Will you be in it?"

"Yes, I can be in the bath with you." He says, now not even hiding his amusement. I manage a smile, letting go of the tension in my chest a little.

We arrive back at the hotel after I down a double cheeseburger and a milkshake, and he draws a bath while I freshen up at the sink. I brush my teeth and put my hair up in a messy bun, letting a few pieces hang around my face. Loki catches my reflection in the mirror and comes up behind me, hugging me. He kisses my neck gently. "You don't have your hair up very often. I quite like it."

"Thank you." I say, twisting around to face him. "So, you're not scared of me?" I ask him.

"Why would I be scared of you?" He says in a low, gravely voice.

"Um... maybe because I killed someone today and I feel no remorse?"

"He was, as you once put it, a douchebag. Just because someone is dead, doesn't mean they become a saint. You did what you wanted to do, and I am not going to judge you for it."

"Look at us. Two villainous murderers, getting in the bath together after another long, hard day."

"Villainous?" He says, chuckling at me.

"That's what you take away from that sentence?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at him.

"My dear, get in." He says, talking about the bath. I do so, sliding in and feeling the hot water touch my skin. It's steaming just a little. Call me crazy, but it could be even hotter. He stays outside the tub and kneels down next to it. "Turn around." He instructs, and I face the wall of the shower. He starts rubbing my shoulders, working out the knots I keep within my muscles. I relax, closing my eyes.

"Does that feel good?" He says, digging his thumbs under my shoulder blades, applying the perfect pressure.

"Yes." I say, letting out a deep breath. He kisses my neck, reaching down the front of my chest. He plays with me and I lean my head against him. I let out a moan and turn to him, our lips meeting. He kisses me, putting his tongue in my mouth. His fingers go in slow circles around my nipples, driving me crazy.

"You gonna keep playing with me or are you getting in?" I ask him.

"Oh, darling..." He says, smirking at me. He undresses and gets in the water with me. "Like the first time." He mentions as I slide myself onto his lap, lowering down on him.

This time it's slow and intimate. I feel every inch of him, letting him guide me by gripping my hips in a rhythm to our breathing. He tilts my head towards him to look at me. We make eye contact, and he smiles at me. "Ayca?" He asks.


"Your eyes?" He pleads. 

I chuckle, looking down my nose at him while I turn my eyes a deep red. He laughs a low rumble, kissing my passionately. Who knew Loki had a demon kink?

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