Part 31

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Author's note: warning: sex/smut scene(s) because hey... it's their honey moon! Honestly, this whole chapter is just smut, but not out of context since it's two constantly sexually frustrated people on their honeymoon. So if the sex scenes make you uncomfy, then feel free not to read! But if you love them as much as I do... you'll LOVE this chapter ;)


"Your eyes..." He observes, watching my eyes turn red in the mirror as he unzips me dress.

"I can give you more if you ask for it." I say, stepping out of the gown and letting his hands grab at me, taking off the white slip I had under the dress.

"I want it all, my dear." He purrs, biting my neck. I rush to take his suit jacket off, throwing it carelessly on the floor. My fingertips turn black and I lace them into his hair. I scratch down his back and he moans, tilting his head back. He kisses me passionately, pulling my face hard into his. He backs me into the wall and pushes his thigh between my legs, the feeling of that pressure alone making me weak. He picks me up by the back of my knees and sits me on his lap at the edge of the bed. 

I straddle him, closing my eyes and shifting my shoulders to extend my wings. I look open my eyes to see that he's looking at my lustfully, biting his lip. So, it really is his kink. I smile and kiss him, rocking my hips slowly. When I unbutton his shirt, I take my time grazing his skin with the tips of my fingers, sending shivers down his body. I kiss his neck, and he leans all the way back onto the mattress.

"It's only fair that if I take my true form..." I say, leaning down to whisper in his ear. I bite it gently, then look at him. He chuckles, and his skin starts to turn blue. I sit upright on him, then he sits up quickly, grabbing my shoulders. He twists me around to pin me against the bed, my wings spread out over the sheets. 

He kisses down the middle of my body, pulling me towards his mouth while gripping my hips. He knows I love it when he does that, and I exhale his name.

He moans into me, and I can feel it vibrating all the way up to my ears. His tongue explores every inch of me, and my legs shake on either side of his head. He grips them suddenly, pushing them out to the side. I'm completely vulnerable to him now.

He stops, looking up at me through his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. I sit up slightly to look at him. He takes one finger, teasing my entrance.

I drop my head back, groaning. "But I didn't make you wait." I point out, trying to rest my case so he won't tease me for too long. 

"Was I ever one to follow rules, anyway?" He asks, using his thumb to press on my clit while circling my entrance with his other finger. 

"Loki, please..." I say quietly.

"Louder." He demands. Fine, he wants to play this game?

"Please!" I beg, my voice getting raspy at the end of my word.

He starts teasing me with just his tip, holding me close to him by my leg. He lays it straight up and flat against his chest, then takes my other leg and does the same. His hands are baring down on my hips, pushing just a little bit inside, then back out.

I grit my teeth and let out a raspy moan, grabbing his wrists as the remain on my lower body.

"What was that?" He says arrogantly, trying to get me to talk.

"Just fuck me, Loki!" I beg him one more time, then shutter as he forces himself all the way in, his hips hitting against me.

He's quick and aggressive, but I love it. I feel the heat travel through my body, sending shivers at the same time. I grip the sheets and look down my nose at him, my head titled back slightly. He's clenching his teeth and frowning as he grinds into me, watching what he's doing. I'm nearly losing my breath. I guess we both have a kink for each other's demons.

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