Part 6

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Author's note: Alright, well that was fun, wasn't it? Ok, really I just needed an excuse to get them back on Earth because things seemed to be going suspiciously well on Asgard. Now, back to the *actual* story.

Also..... sex/smut scene but make it hella descriptive with no filter. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!! None of that "his member" crap. We say cock in this story. ;)


I wake up the next morning to the sun shining into my room and warm arms wrapped around my body. I take a deep breath in and gently twist around. Loki is still asleep, but my moving woke him up I think. His eyes tighten and remain closed, and his mouth fidgets a little. I curl into his chest, laying a kiss on his collarbone.

"Shh, go back to sleep." I whisper. He pulls me in closer and adjusts his body to mold with mine. I can still smell the cologne on him even though he isn't wearing anything that has cologne on it anymore. When you think 'god of mischief', it's not often you think about what he sleeps in or, more so, what he doesn't sleep in.

After a few moments, Loki mumbles something in a gravely morning voice. I love his morning voice. It lacks his snarky attitude and often says things from his heart, not his mind. He has no filter in the mornings.

"What was that?" I ask, not catching what he said.

He takes in a deep breath, the first one of the morning as he wakes up a little more to make sense. He swallows and I watch his Adam's apple move, then I look up to his face. His eyes are only slightly open, but the light catches his eyes so beautifully.

"I said," He begins, clearing his throat, "you're adorable when you call yourself a nerd."

I giggle, burring my face in his bare chest. He rumbles a low, sleepy laugh, then twists himself on top of me.

"I don't see human you very often anymore. It's a relief to know that you haven't changed all that much, darling." He kisses me so softly and I get butterflies in my stomach.

"You know what event I think about a lot?" I say, proving that I'm still the same idiot human he's grown to love.

"What's that, love?" He says, leaning down to plant kisses on my neck, starting right under my ear.

"That time you pinned me to the floor and warned everyone not to go near me or you'd kill me." I say, trying not to giggle near the end. He stops kissing me mid-kiss, and slowly lifts his head to look at me with the absolute definition of a 'what the fuck?' face. I loose my shit and start giggling uncontrollably.

"What is the matter with you?" He says, shaking his head and just beaming at me and my knack for awful conversation starters.

"No I just, I think about it a lot because now you choke me for different reasons."

"Ayça!" He says, waking up a little more.

"What?" I ask in the same tone as his.

"My darling, you are still the exact same sexually frustrated brat you were when I met you." He confirms, wrapping me up in his arms and kissing me.

I have little mobility, but with what I do have I wrap my legs around his torso to pull him close against me. He moans into the kiss, then moves one of his hands up to the side of my neck to grip it while his thumb is propped up under my chin. He tilts my head back and I close my eyes. He leaves light bites on my neck, then travels down to just above my belly button. I moan and tangle my hands in his hair. He comes back up to kiss me.

His other hand travels down my side, then to my inner thigh. he draws circles around my clit, lightly at first, then with more pressure. His kissing gets harder, and he gives me breaks to breath in between long, sensual kisses.

"Mmm..." I moan, opening my eyes to see him smirking at me.

"Don't close your eyes, darling." He says, gliding one finger inside me. I take in a sharp breath. He moves in rhythm, then puts another finger in. I bite my lip, which makes him want to bite it too. He's playful about it, and doesn't hesitate to put three fingers inside me.

His fingers hook inside, hitting a sweet spot. I moan his name quietly, letting my body feel every inch of him. I start to feel myself getting wet around his hand as his thumb plays with my clit. He takes his hand out and replaces it with is cock, sliding in slowly. He releases a moan into my ear.

He grinds into me, starting off easy then going deeper, squeezing the sheets in his hands. Our breathing matches each others, heavy and urgent.

"Oh my god..." I moan, breathing out and arching my back.

"Am I, my dear?" He says, grinding into me so hard that the bedframe hits against the wall.

He slams his hand on the bedframe, holding it against the wall to stop the repeated beating, and continues. Fuck, that was hot.

I let out a gasp of pleasure as I climax, and cover my mouth to keep from screaming his name. He likes this, removing my hand and covering my mouth with his own. My body is overwhelmed with heat from pleasure, surging through me like a tidal wave. I flutter my eyes closed and his lips meet mine once more before he moans into me, releasing himself inside as he climaxes.

We catch our breath, but he doesn't move from on top of me right away.

"Morning, darling." He says, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Mmm, good morning." I kiss him, then he moves to let me up. I sit on the edge of the bed and stretch, reaching my arms up and to the side. I feel him sit up behind me, kissing the back of my shoulder and running his fingers down my spine gently.

"Ought we stay in bed a little while longer?" He asks, and I turn my face to the side to look at him. He kisses me cheek, then suddenly grabs me by my waist and jerks me back into bed. I laugh, enjoying the smooth ride back under the sheets. He flings them over our heads, trapping us in glowing white sheets from the morning sun illuminating through them.

"But I'm hungry!" I playfully protest.

"I am too, perhaps I'll take a bite..." He says, then proceeds to bite my chin. I giggle again, and he kisses me one more time before uncovering our heads from the sheet. "Let's go get you some food."


I walk downstairs after washing up and getting dressed. I clutch my stomach as it growls, and hurry my pace towards the kitchen. Loki trails close behind me, humored by my rush to eat. When I arrive, Tony is pouring out a cup of coffee and hands it to me.

"Morning, Buttercup!" He says with a goofy grin.

I set the coffee down and throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. "Sorry we missed you last night! How was your date with Pepper?"

"Oh, it was awful. She had spinach stuck in her tooth the whole time and my car broke down, then we had to pay some sketchy weirdo with suspiciously baggy pants to change my tire."

"Tony..." I say, picking up my coffee and shaking my head at him.

"Of course it was a perfect night, It was with Pepper. How did your premiere go last night? You two kids have fun?" He looks past me at Loki.

"The morning after was significantly better." He says, winking at me. I blush, then head to the table where I fill a plate and sit down.

Right before I'm about to shove a donut in my face, Peter comes running into the room. He looks stressed and terrified, his face all dirty and his clothes disheveled. We all look at him with the same expecting face, while he bends over his knees to catch his breath.

"Dude, you good?" I ask him.

"Beth is missing!"

I drop my donut and it bounces off my plate. "She's WHAT?" I say, standing and knocking my chair over.

"Someone took her, I'm so sorry Ayça! I tried to stop it!"

"Who? Who took her, Peter?"

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. He nearly stutters out the name. "Hela."

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