Part 3

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Author's note: So, I have a few holes to fill in this story while I get to the points where I know what's happening. So, this part is kind of a filler but I develop Ayça's sister and her growing relationships with the Avengers and the other characters in the story. So instead of filling the empty gaps in the story with smut (don't worry though, there will be plenty of that I assure you!) Here's some focus on Beth!


"Try her again!" Beth yells at Banner, begging him to try and get in contact with her sister again.

"Look, I tried, ok? I tried everything I know how to do and I just can't find her. It's like she doesn't want to be found." He responds, pushing up the sleeves of his casual blue button up.

"You have seven PhDs, you turn into a raging green giant that can't die, and you're telling me you can't find my sister?" She says, scowling at him.

Banner holds up his hands innocently, then turns to Thor. "You got any ideas?"

Thor sits down for a moment, wandering back and forth in front of the windows looking down at New York City.

"She could be on Asgard, but then I'm not sure why she would be hiding." He offers.

"Well, have we tried reaching out to Asgard?" Beth asks, completely pissed.

"I can ask Heimdall."

"Then what are you waiting for?" She urges him.

Thor calls to Heimdall, but there is no answer. He looks at Beth with disappointment. Banner pinches his nose, exhausted while Beth rolls her eyes and clenches her fists in frustration.

"Take me there." She says under her breath.

"What?" Thor asks, turning around to face her with a furrowed brow.

"Take me to Asgard!" She demands, louder this time.

Thor begins to protest, but Beth stomps right up to him.

"Listen, chuckles. This is my sister we're talking about. I know she's out there, and I know you can help me find her. She means the world to me, so if we're going to find her, it's going to be together. Now pick up your hammer and take me to Asgard. You would do it for your greasy-haired brother, so let me do this for my psychotic sister." She says as if giving a football pep talk.

He looks to Banner who just shrugs, then back at Beth who's almost half his size and very desperate. "Very well." He says, pulling her close and lifting his hammer in the air, swinging it to fly high.

He calls to Heimdall once more, and this time the Bifrost opens up and swallows them, bringing them to Asgard. He lands swiftly while she tumbles to her feet.

"Sorry about that, should have warned you about-"

"Bruh, What the hell? I'm not Ayça, some people are afraid of heights. And giant swinging hammers."

Thor just laughs as he helps her up.

"I thought you didn't want to bother with business here, Thor." Heimdall says, twisting the Bifrost sword to close the gate. Thor shakes his head, pointing at Beth.

"This is her business. She wants to find her sister, Lady Ayça."

"uh, 'Lady Ayça'?" She snorts.

"Well, yes she is of high royal rank, no matter the kingdom." Thor tries to reason, not understanding the humor.

"Dude, let's just go." She says, plugging her thumb in the air over her should to suggest getting a move on things.

They fly down the rainbow bridge, this time Thor keeping low to the ground. He enters the palace with pride, greeting Asgardians on his way in. Beth stays close to him, having no idea where he's going. He finally ends up in front of the golden throne where Loki sits, having grapes fed to him.

"Ah, brother!" He exclaims, waving the servants off. "Why are you here?" He asks.

"I am here in search of Lady Ayça. Is she with you?"

"Where the fuck is she?" Beth yells, not thinking Thor does a good enough job representing her urgency. Loki chuckles, striding down the stairs from his seat. He opens his arms out, smiling at the two of them.

"Oh dear, seems as though someone is quite frustrated. I'm sure you've been worried sick. But I assure you, Lady Ayça is fine."

Beth raises her eyebrow, then slaps him across the face. It doesn't do much, but still gets her point across. "Where the fuck is my sister!?" She demands.

"Now, now..." Loki warns her, "If you calm down I'll take you to her."

"Why can't she come to me? Can she not walk or something?"

"Something like that..." Loki says with cheek.

"Oh god..." Beth scoffs, knowing exactly what he meant. "Fine. I'm calm, I'm good. Can we go now?"

"See, wasn't that easy? Follow me." Loki says, leading them down the hall.

On their way, Loki is in front of Thor and Beth while they walk side by side. They go past twists and turns of the castle, which all looks the same to her.

"What does she see in this guy?" She asks Thor.

"Herself, I assume. It would take someone as equally twisted as him to find it attractive." He answers.

"She's never been this crazy. I mean, she has, but not to this level. I guess I never really knew what she was going through to make her act out like this in the end. I feel bad for not being there for her." She admits.

"Were you not there for her, or did someone keep you at your distance from her?" Loki interjects.

"Wait, what?"

"What I'm suggesting is," He says, turning around to face them while walking backwards, "From what I know of the bond between you two, she would not shut you out. And from what I know of her and Benny, he would. There's a difference. Know it." He turns back around and leads them to a balcony overlooking hills and streams, decorated in beautiful blossoming trees and fountains. A group collects by the railing, all dressed in pastel earthy colors and detailed golden outfits. One of them is Ayça.

"My love, you have a visitor." He announces to the group.

-------AYCA'S POV-------

I turn my attention automatically to the sound of Loki's voice, then my eyes quickly dart to what's standing next to him. I set my drink down and run to my sister, Throwing my arms around her.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're here! Wait, why are you here?" I ask, pulling back from the hug.

"I've been looking for your ass all over the place!"

I'm sure she can see the confusion written all over my face. I give a look at Thor, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You didn't tell her I didn't want to return to Earth yet?"

"Wait, you knew this whole time she was on Asgard?" Beth screams at Thor, starting to lose her temper again.

"I wanted to give you a chance to put your life back in order." Thor says, trying to defend himself.

"Well you could have at least told me where she was!" She argues.

"Ok, everyone calm down. Thor, as you can see, my sister loses her shit if she doesn't know where I am. Beth, you now know where I am. Loki, thank you for bringing my sister to me, I'll take it from here." I say, separating everyone.

"I'm sorry, I was only trying to help." Thor says, extending his hand to shake Beth's. She fists bumps his open palm, then he looks at it, puzzled.

"You're gonna have to work to get back on my good side, Mr. Lord-of-thunder."

"Actually, it's... never mind." He says, walking off after Loki.

"Oh, I know what it is. I said what I said." She teases him, giving him a light smile.

I turn to my sister and link my arm in hers. I lead her over to the group I was with, introducing her to some of the friends I've made while on Asgard. I don't know if she should stay very long, considering all other things I can't decide on. Thor was right, she belongs on Earth and not in any of my messes. I've brought her into enough as it is. But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the time I do have with her.

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