Sinbound: Variants teaser

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"How can we tell which one is which?" Natasha asks Loki, to which he confidently strides over to the one with black hair, who confidently stands next to the identical variant.

"This one is Ayca."

"Do you trust your decision?" She asks him, switching her dark hair to blonde. Loki steps back, suddenly unsure.

"This is stupid. Loki, it's me!" Says the other Ayca, coming up to Loki and cupping his face in her hands.

"Don't listen to that one. She's not the real Ayca! Besides, I'm much prettier." Ayca says, pulling the other by the hair and tossing her to the ground. "Stay away from him, you mewling quim."

"That's Ayca." Tony says, pointing at the Ayca now in front of Loki.

"If you're actually Ayca, how did you change your hair back?" Natasha questions me.

"Well, after being trapped for a while with this one," she says, kicking her variant while she's still on the floor, "I picked up a few things. One of them being the bit of magic I left behind when I died. I didn't soak up all of it, but enough to get some self control back. I missed my blonde hair."

'It won't last." The variant says, picking herself up finally.

"Of course it will last, it's my magic!"

"You'll have to kill me to regain all your magic back." She says with a wicked smile. Ayca turns back to Loki, who looks terrified. He looks around the room, his eyes darting between the two women who look identical. 

"But... what will happen to Ayca if she does that?" He asks the inevitable.

The variant makes a dagger appear in her hand from thin air. It's rusty from her magic being weakened. She holds it out, hovering over her abdomen. "I guess you'll just have to watch and see." She says as she plunges it into her body.

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