Part 29

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Author's note: Kind of a long chapter but I know that no one will be complaining! Also, the wedding doesn't end here. There's an after party to get to! Also, the header picture is an aesthetic for the wedding (:


"This better fucking fit..." I say, letting Lily zip up my dress.

"It will."

"What if it doesn't?" I say, panicking as I hear the buzz of the zipper sliding up, feeling my dress tighten around my body.

"Then you'll just walk the isle naked, it will be the wedding of the year!" She says, fastening the button at the top. The dress fits perfectly, and I take a sigh of relief.

I turn to look at my wedding party, now joined by Nat. She's had enough of the boys I'm sure, and is glad to be with us. There's a knock on the door after we freak out over the dress and it's beauty, and Ash offers to get it. When they open the door, Tony and my mother invite themselves into the room.

"Now aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" My mother says, wheeling herself towards me. I bend down to hug her, the dress literally cutting off my air circulation. I'm caught my surprise, but I don't care. I'm hugging my mom. 

"Thanks, mom! I'm so glad you're here!" I say, then look up at Tony... at my dad. It looks like he might have a tear in his eye as he gives me a warm hug. Pepper follows in behind him with a huge bouquet of flowers, all my favorites.

"Pepper, these are amazing! Thank you." I say, taking them and hugging her as well. 

"You look so stunning, Ayca!" She compliments.

"I'm really glad you could make it, it means a lot to me."

"Of course I can make it! It wasn't that hard to convince people to let us have the weekend off when they know it's for you." She says,  pulling me into another quick hug.

"Can I have a moment, buttercup?" My dad says, leading me into the little office area right next to the living room. He shuts the door and wipes his hands together in the air. He seems nervous.

"Hey, dad." I say, smiling at him lovingly.

"Hey, kiddo." He says, walking over to me. "Look, I know it might be weird to hear, but I feel like I just got you, ya know?"

"I'm not going anywhere." I reassure him.

"I know there's been talk about you living on Asgard, and well..."

"We haven't decided yet."

"Look, what I really wanted to ask was, do you have anyone to walk you down the isle? Because I'm here offering. It... it would really mean a lot to me, kiddo."

I try not to tear up, throwing my arms around his neck. "Dad, of course you can walk me down the isle!"  I tell him, trying not to ruin my makeup by crying.

"I uh... I love you, Ayca." I sniffs, trying to keep himself together at well. That's not only the first time he's told me he loves me, but the first time he's flat out said my name. 

"I love you too, dad." I say, pulling away a little to look at him.

"Ok, enough the mushy crap, let's get you to your wedding." He chuckles.

We come back out to the living room and wait to be taken to Asgard. Loki and the boys are supposed to arrive first, making sure everything is perfect before I arrive. Also, so that there's no chance Loki will see me before I walk the isle. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he seems me.

My hair is styled down with waves and some tighter curls, woven with gold and white flowers on thin ribbon. My makeup is light, only having a hint of gold and green to match the color scheme. I feel like a real princess.

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