Part 20

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"Look, all I'm saying is-"

"No, fuck what you're saying!"

We hear screaming from a nearby room when Loki and I return to the Stark tower. We give each other weary looks as we enter the room to see Tony and Fury spatting it out with each other.

"What have you done?" Fury asks me, frowning.

"I killed a guy." I admit.

Fury stops in his tracks, Tony looks at me shocked, Loki holds back abrupt laughter and Peter peers his head from behind the back of the couch looking very distressed. "Oh, hey Peter. Didn't see you there."

"Hey... Ayca..." He says, slinking back down in his seat and puts his headphones back in.

'What where you thinking, Ayca? This is exactly what I'm talking about. She can't be trusted." He complains, looking back at Tony.

"Put me on a leash then, I'll still end up taking you for a walk." I give him attitude, strutting past him.

"Kiddo, let's calm down and talk about this." Tony tries to reason with me, grabbing my arm just as I walk past him. 

"Tony, look. I didn't think it was going to go that far, but it did. It happened. I'm back now, I'm safe, no one saw me." I look into his eyes, trying to keep a soft face.

"But kid... you..."

"I know what I did!" I yell to the crowd. "You have to let me live with the consequences of my own actions, Tony."

He turns to Loki who is trying desperately to stay out of this. "And what did you do while this was happening?"

"Nothing. It was not my place to intervene with her family issues, Stark. It still is not. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He says, walking past us. He ascends the stairs and is soon out of sight.

"Mess up one more time and you're going back in the glass cage, you hear me?" Fury threatens.

"Loud and clear." I grumble. Tony lets me out of his grasp. Fury leaves us while Tony and I take a seat on the couches. I try to smile at Peter, but he doesn't make eye contact with me. Man, he is too pure for this world.

"Give us a sec?" Tony asks, and Peter gets up and walks out of the room, practically jogging out. Then he turns to me. "Ok, buttercup. I'm thinking you need a break from Loki." He says outright.

"What?" I ask, scrunching my nose in offence.

"Yeah, wherever you two go together, something always happens. It went too far this time."

"Tony, he followed me. This was my journey to take on alone and he insisted on coming with me!" I argue.

"Even so, I think you two should spend a few days apart! It doesn't have to be anything long term, just... clear your head. Give it a night or two. Apparently even spikey head is coming to Earth sooner than we anticipated and I just want you to be ready."

"You mean Hela?"

"Yeah, whatever. Can you just promise me you'll take it easy these next few days?"

I sigh, looking at my thumbs as they twirl around each other in my lap. I frown, and click my tongue before I say anything. "Fine, but he stays in the tower. Please don't kick him out?"

"Never." Tony says, patting my back. I nod and get up out of me seat. I approach my room when I see Loki stepping out of it.

"I heard." He says, kissing me on my forehead. 

"He has a point, I need to clear my head." I say, pressing my hand to my temple.

"Sleep well, darling." He says, moving elegantly past me and up another flight of stairs to his room.

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