Part 14

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"Hela, don't!" I hear Thor scream from afar. I whip around to see her, the feathers of my wings rustling in the movement. A man is handing her the sword of the Bifrost.

"How the hell did you get that!?" I yell, completely dumbfounded. That means... oh no... "What did you do to Heimdall?" I ask, trying not to cry.

"What have you done with my friend?" Thor booms, charging towards her. She dodges his attack and swings the sword around in her hand.

"Take them back to Earth. They are wasting my time and I need them out of my way." She instructs the Asgardian who gave her the sword.

"What? No!" I scream, peering over the balcony to find where Loki went.

"I wouldn't bother looking, Ayça. He's long gone."

I scoff at her. "You really think you can kill the god of mischief just by tossing him off a balcony?"

"Yes," Thor adds, "He probably didn't even make it half way down before shapeshifting into something to get away. I once was escaping out of Asgard by a stolen ship and tossed him out the window-"

"Thor, not right now." I say, cutting him off.

"Seize them." Hela says suddenly. We look at each other in fear, and someone comes from behind me and stabs me in the neck with something tiny and thin, pinching my skin. I wince, then fall to the ground. I see Thor trying to rush to my aid, but my vision gets blurry and I don't see what happens next.


I stir in my bed, the pillows are surrounding me on every side. I hear Loki's voice behind me, he sounds awake. I slowly turn around under the sheets to see him propped up and leaning against the headrest. He's reading out loud. He's... reading to me?

He notices my stirring and pauses his sentence, looking down at me. I snuggle up against him. "No, keep reading." I say softly. He chuckles, and rests a hand on the back of my head, petting my lightly. He continues reading.

I listen to him as he finishes a chapter, then closes the book to set it down on the nightstand. He slides down and covers himself up with the sheets, facing me. He traces my cheek with his thumb and kisses me lightly.

"Why were you reading to me?" I ask after a moment.

"I read to you when we were on Asgard. It made me feel closer to you." He responds.

"And what happened this time?" I ask.

"We lost against Hela... again. But do not fear, darling. It's only been a day, you haven't missed much. You needed you rest." He explains. So, basically I got tranquilized and that's how we lost. Great.

"Loki, I want to tell you something." I say, cupping his face in my hand. "When you were reading to me while I was under, I heard you. Every word. I thought I was stuck in purgatory or something, but no. It was you."

His smile is beautiful when he hears this, and leans in to kiss me. He wraps me in his arms and I let myself be completely consumed by him.


We join Tony downstairs. He's sitting in a chair while on the opposite side of the coffee table sits Thor, Steve, and Natasha. "What, you throw a party and don't invite me?" I joke as I walk up to them.

"Lady Ayça, you're awake!" Thor says, overjoyed.

"I'm fine, thank you. I little thirsty, though." I say as I watch Natasha get up from her seat to hug me.

"Wanna come over to the bar with me and get a drink? I'm sure you need one."

"What time is it?" I ask, confused.

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