Part 2

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Loki's Asgardian chamber is... nothing like I'd ever seen before. For one thing, it's guarded by men who look like they could kill you just by blinking. For another, it's absolutely stunning. The bed nearly goes from one end of the room to the other, and is draped with viridian green and gold sheets and blankets. The pillows look like they've never been slept on and smell like actual clouds.

The room itself has the aroma of Egyptian cotton and bergamot. I pace around, looking at all the little things that occupy shelves and surfaces. His book collection is extensive and impressive, with stories I've never read before. I may not be a huge reader, but if I ask nice enough he might read one to me one of these days.

I walk past the bottom of the bed, running my finger along the sheets. They're so soft I feel like I'm not even touching anything. I look out the window that overlooks Asgard. I can see the rainbow bridge clearly, it glistens in the setting sunlight. I turn around, debating whether or not to pull a random book from the shelf and have a seat on the most stunning black velvet couch I've ever seen, or take myself to the bathroom and get washed up. I don't know how long he'll be, but we've got things to discuss. We might have... postponed it for the time being back in the throne room but then again, why would I complain about what happened in it's place?

I open the double doors into his bathroom off his master suit. There's a hallway with closets on both sides. I bet there's a lot of leather in there. I get to the main part of the bathroom. It's covered from floor to ceiling with gorgeous white stone, decorated with golden streaks running up the walls. It's shimmery, like it's polished everyday. The tub itself is a swimming pool, and the shower could host a cookout. Candles and beautiful glass bottles are neatly arranged on the counters in front of a mirror that looks like it was carved out of pure diamond. Man, this guy's a diva.

I start the shower by a remote on the wall, and notice I can change the color of the lighting. Wicked. I change it to green and undress while the water heats up. I step into the shower and let the water run over my face and through my hair. I stand there a moment, letting myself get completely lost in the feeling. There's so many products in here that I take at least five minutes to choose what I want. This is so luxurious, I could definitely get used to this.

I take all the time in the world to take a shower before I get out, wrapping myself in a towel. I squeeze the water out of my hair and flop it over one shoulder, letting it airdry. It helps the waves form better that way.

When I walk back into the master suit, I see Loki lounging in his velvet love seat. He's taken off the royal armor, and is instead in something more simple and relaxed. It looks like he's in for the night, considering it's gotten dark outside already.

"Enjoy your shower, my dear?" He asks, looking up from a book he was reading.

"You have taste. Expensive taste." I say impressed. He chuckles a little, then closes his book to put on the marble table in front of him. He stands, walking towards me with a soft expression. thank god, I'm tired from being a brat.

"I'm sure I can find something for you to wear in the morning, but for now, why don't you give that towel to me?" He asks, reaching his hand out to take it. I hold onto it, which makes him push his tongue into his cheek. He can wait.

"We need to talk, Loki."

"Pillow talk?" He offers, raising an eyebrow and smirking playfully.

"No, about what to do next." I can't help but giggle.

"Very well. Come, sit." He offers me a seat next to him on the edge of the bed. "What's on your mind, my darling?" He puts a firm hand on my thigh.

"First of all, last time we were here, you brought me here illegally, got caught, and pushed me off the Bifrost. What happened?"

He outright laughs, then says, "When I returned, I went to Odin and reasoned with him to understand my side of the story. He wasn't well. In fact, he was very ill and on rest. I told him that it was I that changed the fate, preparing you for a battle I knew we would win."

"How did that go? Bold of you to take advantage of him while he's sick."

"Not entirely. Frigga was the one to convince him in the end. Then I gave you a pardon as my first order as king." He says, smiling to himself at the thought of his mother. He really must love her.

"And what of Thor? Isn't he the rightful heir?" I hope this doesn't push buttons.

"Thor is preoccupying himself with other matters. He warned me that if I slip up in any way at all, he'll-" He stops, pursing his lips. I know what he means.

"Ok then, just don't fuck up." I say, shrugging my shoulders at him.

"Ayça..." He says, fighting back a laugh and shaking his head. "Next topic." He says, moving on.

"Right, next topic. You mentioned that there was only one way for us to be together, but it was nearly impossible. What is it?"

His face drops slightly and now he looks nervous. His cocky energy slips away far behind his eyes. His cheeks flush slightly, then gets up to stand by the window.

"What was that?" I ask him, getting up to follow him. My towel loosens slightly so I rewrap it, then stand by his side holding it up.

"There is a time and place to talk about certain things. Now is not the time to talk about that." He says, watching his city bustle below him.

"Ok, so lets go somewhere else to talk about it." I offer.



"Ayça please, I promise you that in all good time, it will come about. But I just... I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?" He says, turning to face me and wrapping me up close to him in his arms.

"I trust you, Loki. I just... I don't know where to go from here."

He tilts his head slightly to the side and furrows his brow. "How do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know where to go from here. I don't belong to the kingdom I basically claimed after the war, I don't really feel like I belong on Earth even though I've had my whole life there, and I certainly don't belong here in Asgard." I say, resting my head to his chest. He kisses the top of my head, petting my hair.

"You'll always belong with me, darling."

Ah, my heart melts. He's right, but I can't be in three places at once. I nuzzle in tighter to his chest, matching his breathing. "I'm sorry." I say in a broken up voice.

"Oh, my dear why are you sorry?" He asks, tilting my chin up with two fingers so that I look at him.

"Because... I'm just sorry. I brought on a war, I lied to you, I-"

"You did what you had to do to survive. I know what it was like while you were with Thanos, believe me. You cannot hold yourself accountable for the things you did to keep yourself safe in the midst of danger."

"But, I could have done it better, more straight forward, I could have just punched him and not made him believe I was on his side. I hated feeling like that, I hated the way he saw me. As a villain, as someone who would hurt you." I can't help but start to cry.

"Ayça my love, you are not a villain. If anything, you are the strongest woman I've ever met. You were cunning, resourceful. You looked into the face of the enemy and made a fool of him. Ayça, you're-"

"burdened with glorious purpose?" I cut him off to tease.

"Hey..." He says playfully, "I was going to say that you're positively captivating in ways that no other being is. Your beauty is unmatched, your wit is ever lasting and my dear, if I wasn't the god of mischief..."

"You're saying I would be?" I ask, completely taken back.

"I'm saying that if the rolls were reversed and I was a Midgardian and you were the demigod, I'd believe it. What you did, your entire battle strategy? I'm embarrassed to say it was not mine."

I kiss him as if it were the first time. Slow, loving, and taking in everything about him. He kisses me back, holding me close to him. He's right, this is where I belong.

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