Part 9

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Author's note: Um... the... light will... shine on us again...? Yeah. Sorry about that last chapter. Anyway...

-------LOKI'S POV-------

Asgard is in ruins. The people are hidden deep in the terrain where Heimdall keeps them safe. Thor is on the throne while I care for Ayça, she matters more than a silly royal title. Hela has been captured and imprisoned again. Thor has demanded a ceremony for the death of our father, but I feel it's pointless at this time. Why celebrate a man who handed over the responsibility without the instructions?

Ayça hasn't woken for almost two weeks now. I was able to cure her, using magic I had seldom used before. It's not very in character of me to use it to save anyone, yet here she lies in a sleeping trance that I cannot break. I care for her, I touch her skin to monitor her temperature and brush her hair when it looks shabby. I don't think I've slept this entire time. There was one incident when I did fall sleep, but I had trusted Sif to watch over her. After I had woken, I decided I didn't trust anyone but myself.

On the morning of the beginning of the third week, Thor comes to my room. He brings a plate of food for me, knowing I haven't eaten in a long while.

"Brother, you must rest. You cannot aid to her if you yourself need aid." He says, handing me the plate.

"Why hasn't she come to?" I ask, not taking the offering. He sets the plate down on a table. Finally, he looked like an idiot just holding it.

"She will, brother. Have faith."

"In what?" I spit. I rise from my seat to stand in front of him. He sighs at the sight of my darkened eyes and pale skin.

"You need rest. I will watch her, brother." He says, patting my shoulder. I hate when he does that, it's too... brotherly. Then again, I appreciate it.

"You wake me if something happens." I demand, holding a finger in his face.

"I have no reason not to, Loki. You know that."

I hesitate, then cross the room to the other side of the bed. I slowly lower myself down, facing Ayça. If only this sleeping beauty of mine could turn her delicate face towards me and tell me everything will be ok. I catch Thor giving me a raised eyebrow, indicating that I do in fact need to rest. I shut my eyes and crawl my hand across the sheets. I hold Ayça's hand as I drift silently off.

I wake to my brother shaking my shoulder. I look at him through my eyebrows, utterly annoyed by the shaking. He knows I hate it. "Is she awake?" I ask.

"No, but-"

"Then go away."

"Brother... It's our father. We're having a ceremony for him."

I sigh, knowing I have to go. I look to Ayça, who is right where I left her. I'm growing impatient, but I must keep it together. I don't imagine she would be very proud of me if I spun out. I get out of bed and wash up while Thor watches over her. The bathroom quickly steams up from the hot water in the shower, and I wipe the mirror to see my reflection. I can't even look myself in the eyes. I won't be there behind them.

I return to my chamber with a lot of hope and little faith that something has changed with Ayça. Nothing yet. I dress, and stop Thor at the door before we leave. "Thor, if I may..."

"What is it, brother? We have to hurry. Someone will be here to watch over Ayça."

"Someone? Just... 'someone'? That's not good enough, brother, you know that." I say, getting paranoid.

"She will be looked after while you are away, and when the ceremony is over you can come right back." He tries to reason.

"I want to stay here, with Ayça." I say. His face is all but surprised.

"I knew you would want to. See, Loki, this is your father's ceremony. It would mean the world to him if you were there to see him off like the true king he was. I know you two had your differences, but please. If not for him, for me?" He says, patting me on the back.

"Differences..." I grumble. This man never gave me the time of day, and now I'm expected to honor his passing? Of course I did not want him murdered. If it weren't for him, I would be dead as an infant. I look back at Ayça as a woman comes into the room and sets herself up by her bedside.

"Come." Thor says, urging me out the door.


I must say, the ceremony is quite extravagant. Heimdall brought the citizens back to their homes, as they are being rebuilt with time. The city is returning to normal. I guess if it weren't for Ayça distracting Hela, we would not have had the chance to imprison her. Then again, at what cost? I was ready to sacrifice everything for her, not Asgard.

It takes place in a garden beside the water. Food is spread everywhere, music, and a play to commemorate his life. I could have done better, these actors are awful.

I make way through the people to where the drinks are, but am constantly stopped by people telling me they are 'sorry for my loss'. I did lose something, yes, but not my father. Once I arrive at the table, I down a few drinks. It will surely do nothing, but I at least hope it would take the edge off. Sif joins my side.

"I know who you're truly mourning." She says as she takes down a cobalt blue drink.

"Is that so?"

"She's beautiful." She says kindly. I just look at her. I am about to take a fourth drink, but set it down instead. She continues, "I may know of a healer that can bring her out of her sleep state."

"Don't tease me, Sif."

"It's not a tease. I do, she can help. There will be a hefty price, but I assure you it will be worth it."

"What price, exactly?" I ask, hoping it's not going to take ages to get.

"Depends on the product. It's worth looking into, Loki." She says, taking down another drink.

"Come to me after the ceremony and we'll talk." I leave her at the table. I'm not about playing games, but if it means That I get my Ayça back, of course I'm willing to do it.

The ceremony begins. Odin is on a ceremonial boat, decorated with his crown, all sorts of offerings, and vegetation. It's quite the sight. A man speaks about his greatness as king, one who sacrificed everything to keep the nine realms together.

"Who claims to protect the nine realms if our sister becomes free upon his death?" I remark.

"Loki, please." Thor says, shushing me. "Hey, thank you for being here. Actually being here." He says quietly.

"I'm not here for him."

"I know." He says, giving me his older brother comfort smile.

Asgard makes peace with the parting of Odin as they send him across the water in his boat, releasing flaming arrows. The boat catches quickly, and we watch as it sails off into the distance.

I waste no time returning to Ayça in my bedroom but I walk in to find the bed empty. Panic sets in as my face falls and my heart skips a beat. I pace around, looking for any sign of her. "WHERE IS SHE?" I scream, and a woman, the one who was to aid her while I was away, comes into the room from out in the hallway. I approach her and hold her against the wall by her neck.

"You were to watch her, not move her, you dim-witted fool!" I growl in her face. She stammers, not being able to talk. Sif comes running to the room.

"Let her go, this was my doing!" She yells, frantic about the woman being choked to death.

"What did you do to her?" I growl, letting the pathetic woman go.

"I had her brought to the healer. She'll be saved, Loki. I expect a 'thank you'."

"You moved her without my permission?"

"You are not the only one who cares for her!" She shouts. I stand down. I purse my lips and the floor, then gather myself.

"Take me to her." I demand.

"That's more like it. Follow me."

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