Part 16

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My mother closes her eyes and hums low and almost inaudible. The water in the glass starts shaking, then swirling into a mini whirlpool. When she opens her eyes, the water relaxes and becomes still.

"How did you do that?" I ask, intrigued.

"I saw it happen in my mind, and it happened." She says, looking up and smiling at me like she knows something I don't.

"You don't mean that I..."

"Yes, Ayça. You too can do this if you focus hard enough. Your father thought our house was haunted!" She says, laughing to herself, "But I was just messing with him!" She hands the glass of water to me, laughing hysterically. I should be freaked out, but then again I kind of understand. If I messed with Loki like that, I'd be laughing my ass off too.

I look to Loki, who's half a little freaked himself and half holding back laughter while just watching my mom lose her last few brain cells. "Are you seeing this?" I ask, breaking my seriousness and laughing with her.

"I have no words." He says, snickering and turning away.

"Mother?" I ask, placing my hand gently on her shoulders. She looks at me, tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry, my girl. My sweet, sweet girl. Forgive me, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Ayça, listen to me," She begins again, taking a more serious tone, "You can do more than you know you're capable of. Don't abuse it like I did." She says, putting her hand on top of mine that's stayed on her shoulder. She squeezes my hand, then lets go and take the cup of water back, drinking it.

"Will you be ok here, mom?" I ask, crouching down in front of her again.

"If I get to see my girl again, I will need nothing else in this lifetime."

I give her a warm hug, then stand straight. Loki joins my side as I say goodbye and leave the room. I turn to Mrs. Grafton on my way out. "Take care of her." To which she nods, and locks the door behind us before escorting us out.


Warning: sex/smut scene (helps if you read the first book *winks*)

Loki and I sit in the car, closer than our trip up here. I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his hand around the top of my thigh. "Feel better, darling?" He asks.

"She's alive." I say, relieved. "For so long I had lost hope. My parents, they were in love. But I always thought I was the one that tore them apart. I'm glad I know better."

He rubs his thumb back and forth across the top of my thigh soothingly. The small gesture still sends sparks across my skin, and I grab his hand to move it up my leg. He looks up at the driver, who's not paying attention. He slides a black screen up between us and the front seats, giving us privacy.

He twists to kiss me, holding my face against his with his hands on the back of my head. I climb on top of him, straddling him. He grips my waist and I kiss him again, running my hands through his hair. He moans into my lips, and I feel the vibration if his deep voice rumble in his chest.

We continue to make out in the back of the car until we feel it stop and hear the engine turn off. At this point, his shirt is unbuttoned and mine is on the seat next to us. His hands are in my back pockets and my hand ready to get his pants zipper undone. We pause, looking at each other and the position we are about to be seen in when the car door opens in just a moment.

I scramble to get my shirt back on while he doesn't even bother buttoning the top half of his shirt. He simply struts out of the car with his chest showing, slightly glistening with sweat from making out in a small space. God damn, that's sexy.

I scurry along to catch up with him while we enter the ground floor of the Stark tower. He smirks down at me while pressing the elevator return button, then as soon as the doors open he pulls me in and holds me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head.

"I'll take that elevator sex now." He says, kissing me hard.

"You remember asking me about that, huh?" I say in between kisses.

"Don't talk, you're wasting time." He pulls my pants down and I kick them off. He lifts me off the wall and walks me over to the other side with all the buttons, pressing my back into all of them. They light up, and Loki sucks in air through his teeth, smirking at me. "That's better." He says, knowing that now it will take ages before the doors open again.

I undo his pants and he spares no time sliding into me, grinding me into the wall. I hang on to the railing on the side to support myself, then lean my head back. He's pressing so hard against me and into me to keep me up around his waist that I have no where to go but on top of him.

"Oh, that's it..." He moans as I buck my hips to make him go deeper. I suddenly feel the rush of heat under my skin, coming quickly. I bite my lip so I don't yell out his name, and he's just living for that. He kisses me hard, making my head hit against the wall. It pushes a few more buttons, and he pushes harder into me.

A simple moan leaves my lips followed by saying, "Fuck, Loki..."

He grabs my hair and gets close to my ear. "Again."

My skin tingles everywhere, my head pounding from the rush. "Fuck, Loki!" I repeat, and he lets himself go while still deep inside me. He holds me against the wall a moment before pulling out.

I pull my clothes back to their normal place, leaning against the wall. He zips his pants, then notices my obvious struggle to stand. He chuckles, then leans me against him. I put one arm over his shoulder to keep balance, my legs still shaking.

"Damn, Loki." I say, trying to stretch them out to get their strength back.

"Will you be alright?" He says through an obvious struggle not to laugh at me.

"I need to lie down." I say, laughing at myself a little. He joins in and the elevator doors open. We are able to make it to the bedroom where he crashes down on the bed, kicking his shoes off. I head to the bathroom to freshen up. When I come back into my room, I lay down next to him, looping my leg around his and resting my head on his chest right under his chin.

"I can now say I've had sex in an elevator, thank you." I say to him as I nuzzle into him. He holds me close, kissing the top of my head and holding my bent leg in place over his lower waist.

"You deserve a little rest after that, my pet."

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