Part 23

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-------AYCA'S POV-------

I feel my heart beating hard against my chest as the skies change. I draw as much power as I can, sparking a blood red plasma between my hands. It stutters and sparks, then ignites with anger. I give it more, hearing Loki in my head praising me all those times he was training me. They echo in my head like flashbacks, feeding my focus. 

"Give it more!" He echoes in my head. I harness my energy, not realizing I let out a shriek that pierces my own ears. Suddenly I'm surrounded completely by my own energy, it's thrashing around and I'm swimming in power. 

I raise my gaze to Hela who, not to my surprise, looks as though she's finally realized she's in over her head.

I contract my abdomen and the energy collects between my hands. I extend my arms out to my sides with force, releasing the red energy throughout the city with an ear shattering crack and rumble. It sounds like an atomic boom.

I watch as Hela and her creatures disintegrate, a cloud of dust almost reaching the top of the skyscrapers that surround us. They burn, their ashes integrating with the polluted air, and I watch as I remain the only one standing.

As the dust settles, I turn to walk towards the tower, but fall to my knees. I'm exhausted, and collapse completely onto the ground. I lay in a bed of feathers as I begin to black out.


I jolt awake on the couch in the Stark tower. Everyone still looks like crap, so I must have not been out for too long. I sit up involuntarily, finding myself in the arms of Loki. He's hugging me and kissing my face everywhere.

"I'm ok, I'm ok!" I say out of breath. He stops to look at me, bloody face and horns, the whole package deal. 

"Dude, that was epic!" Peter beams, moving his hands around his head in an excited way, demonstrating his own precious mind being blown.

"I'm impressed, that's for sure." Natasha says to me, handing me a glass of water.

"You really proved yourself out there, Ayca." Steve says, patting my shoulder.

"Ayca Beckland." Fury says with a smile as he enters the room.

"Huh?" I ask him, eyes wide. Where did he come from?

"You really did great out there. You proved yourself to me that you're an asset, I'll give you that. But I think you also proved to yourself who you really are. I guess I'm saying I was wrong about you." 

I look to Loki first, and he's looking at me so proudly. I laugh, astonished. I can't believe it, I've not only impressed everyone on the Avengers, but Fury as well.

"Hey, way to go, buttercup!" I hear from the entrance to the room. Pepper is rolling Tony in wheelchair, leading him around to be next to me. "Man, kiddo, you look like hell!"

"Yeah? I just got back." I say as he wipes away some dry blood from my cheek. 

"Darling, this isn't over yet. There is still the kingdom you've claimed, and someone must take the throne on Asgard." Loki points out. 

"My brother is right." Thor chimes in. We all pause to look at his eyepatch. I refrain from calling him a pirate. "If we are to truly end this, we must make peace between the two worlds again."

"Is there anyone even left?" I ask him.

"Yes, and I say we end this quickly before we have a second war on our hands." 

I look to Loki, who winks at me. We have had a plan for this exact situation since before Hela tried to kill me the first time, when this all started. I wink back at him, and try and get myself up.

I bend my head from side to side, cracking my neck. It snaps and pops, and poor Peter shutters. I try and retract my wings, but I'm still too weak. 

"Perhaps you rest, darling?" Loki suggests.

"I just really want a shower... and a cheeseburger."

Tony laughs, seeing himself in me. Loki guides me up the stairs, helping me keep my balance while the others disperse and work on themselves, healing and helping rebuild the city. This isn't over, but for now, saving the world can wait.


I walk into the bathroom with Loki trailing right behind me. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and literally scream, jumping back. "Holy shit, I look like Maleficent!" I say, stepping closer to study my reflection.

"I... I actually am familiar with who you're referring to. But I think you look much better than her." He compliments.

"I literally look like a monster, Loki." I argue quietly, touching the horns on my head. They're rough and ridged, and slightly covered in blood. I turn the faucet on to wash my face, but Loki just chuckles at me. I turn around to him with a wet, dirty face. "What?" 

"May I?" He asks, offering to help wash my face. I sulk, sitting on a chair in the corner of the bathroom. I relax completely and close my eyes, then get a massive headache. I yelp in pain, and bring my hand to my head. The horns are gone. I open my eyes to see Loki just looking at me in awe.

"Retractable horns. I know, I'm a freak." I say, laying my head back.

"You're beautiful." He says, placing his hand on the back of my head to tilt it towards him. He starts cleaning my face off, his touch gentle and soothing. Eventually I'm able to take my wings back in and get into a shower. He lets me have a moment to myself, and promises to be waiting in the bedroom when I'm done.

When I come into the room, he's lounging on the bed without a shirt. Oh my god. "Hey, you." I say, crawling onto the bed and cuddling up into him.

'Darling." He says simply, kissing the top of my head. We are silent for a moment until he speaks again. "Have you thought about coming back to Asgard with me when this war is over?"

I sigh, then say, "Actually, I have." I prop myself up and look at him. My heart sinks from what I'm about to say. "Loki, I can't leave my family. My sister, my dad, my mom... I don't belong in Asgard. If maybe you could stay here... with me?"

He looks at me, his feelings shattered. Oh god, what did I just do?

"You do not wish to live on Asgard with me? I thought... I thought you preferred it?"


"Ayca, I cannot possible stay here on Midgard." He says, getting up from his position on the bed.

"Why not?" I ask, following him.

"I am the rightful king, I must take my place. Who will rule if not me?"

"Why not have Thor take the throne?"

"Ayca, please. He is as righteous as he is foolish. He could not handle it."

My eyes start to tear up. He's not angry, he's hurt. His words are cracking with pain, as are mine. "Please tell me this isn't the end."

"It's your choice, Ayca. Here, or Asgard."

'I can't choose, Loki!" I plead.

"Neither can I..."

"Please, Loki just stay with me. I know we don't have much time before we take care of things between my kingdom and yours, but please just... stay."

"Ayca..." He says, closing the gap between us and pressing his forehead against mine, then closing his hands around both of mine and holding them to his chest. We both close our eyes, and I whisper, "Stay."

He doesn't say anything, but instead kisses me. Soon I'm completely held against him, his arms engulfing me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he leans me down on the bed. He starts to undress me, and I him. If this is possibly our last night together, this is how I want to spend it.

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