Part 30

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Author's note: Just real quick, the youtube link in the header is their 'first dance' song... you're welcome (:


I adjust the crown on my head as the wedding shifts from the isle to a stone terrace a few yards away in the middle of a marble folly that's beautifully overgrown by the garden it sits in. The tables are set with white table clothes, and the centerpieces are of more golden roses and greenery. It's like a fairytale. 

Loki holds me close to him by my waist while the guests settle into their seats. We are soon left alone at the alter, gazing at each other.

"I had no idea you were such a romantic." I admire.

"For you, darling, I am everything." He leans down to kiss me, holding my waist tight against his chest. 

He leads me to the folly, where in the middle is an open space. He holds my hand, gently guiding me to the center. He twirls me around once, then catches my waist as we start to dance. The song is 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)', a cover by Sleeping At Last. I can't take my eyes off of his face as we drift around in a circle. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud, surrounded by thousands of stars and galaxies. Then I notice, I'm not imagining it.

He's using his magic to have us surrounded by a beautiful illusion of being within the stars, shining white and gold and swaying with us as we move. He tilts his head down to rest his forehead on mine, and I don't dare close my eyes. I take it all in, the stars, the family, the wedding, the feeling I feel when it's just me and him. In this moment, I feel my heart tugging towards him, loving him unconditionally. He twirls me around, and my dress puffs out, shimmering in the starlight. He spreads his hand wide on the small of my back, continuing to guide me slowly around the dance floor. 

The magic we feel in this moment is the strongest I've ever felt before. I see him differently for a moment, I see him as just a man. A man who has been through love and pain, a man who has experienced everything I have. Someone who shares my vulnerabilities the same way I share my demons. My heart belongs to this man, guiding me through his galaxy as we dance to a song in the middle of the garden. And he belongs to me.

The song ends, and we stand still in the center of the terrace. He slowly lets my hand go, cupping my face and kissing me slowly. His cologne overwhelms my senses and I finally close my eyes, embracing everything about him.

The guests clap and Beth is practically crying. Loki steps back while my dad steps forward, extending his hand for a dance. I curtsy, making him chuckle. We start swaying to a new song, 'Come Home' by OneRepublic, and I pretty much lose it. I can tell how much he has missed me all these years, how much he just wanted to be a father to me. I may have not known it at the time, but in a way he's always been there for me. He's been the voice in the back of my head, telling me to run before I walk. The one who would tell me to keep going, that's I'm stronger than whatever I was facing. 

We make silly faces at each other and he leads me around the dance space. I can tell he's not ready to let me go. And honestly, nether am I.

When the song finishes, a more upbeat song plays, and everyone joins in. Loki comes up to me, grabbing my waist and spinning me around. I laugh, knowing that this is the happiest day of my life. 

"You are not about to dance, are you?" I tease him.

"He's a wonderful dancer, I assure you!" Thor calls out over the crowd.

"Dance for me!" I tell Loki.

"No, no he's wrong." He says, laughing nervously.

"Dance!" I say, grabbing his hands and spinning him around, then make him sway to the music. He gives in, and we let loose to the music. Beth and Peter have a dance-off to 'Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!' by ABBA, and we all lose our minds laughing. Beth won by a long shot.

After we dance we sit down for dinner. The lights above us glow, illuminating the garden in a completely different way than the evening light. Sparkling blue drinks are served, but I'm warned to only have one. While Loki tells me this, I see Valkyrie downing her third in a row.

"Don't be like that." He jokes, and we laugh together. 

After dinner, he leads me to the edge of the second floor of the folly, which looks out over the entire rest of the garden. I had no idea a view like this was here, but it's nice to step away from everyone for a moment. We turn our backs on the party, which has picked up along with the temp of the music.

Loki takes my hands in his, admiring my crown. "Do you like it?" He asks about it.

"I'm obsessed with it!" I say, reaching up to center it on my head.

"And you're enjoying our wedding?"

"Loki," I start, inching closer to him and gazing up at him. "I'm speechless."

"That's a first." He jokes, and leans down to kiss me. "You know," he says, pulling away, "All the arrangements for our Paris honeymoon are in order. Feel free to tell me when you want to go at anytime, darling." He says, beginning to kiss my neck. He bites it playfully, suggesting he's itching to leave.

"And what if I make you wait?" I tease.

"Oh," He says, shaking his head and smiling wickedly, "My goodness, wouldn't you like to find out?" He tips my chin up towards him by placing a finger under it and lifting my head. His tongue traces my bottom lip, driving me crazy. He knows exactly what he's doing.

"Tell me you want me." I tease again. This surprises him, he's not used to me coming forward like that.

He pushes me up against the wall, trapping me in on either side of his arms as he holds himself up against the wall. "I want you beg for me, and only when you've grown completely restless and have unraveled will I tease you a little while longer." He whispers into my ear. 

"Now you're making things interesting." I say, pushing him off of me and walking back to the party. I leave him standing there for a moment, then turn my head over my shoulder. "Let's say our goodbyes, then I'm all yours."

He rushes to my side and joins me on the terrace.

I stand in the center with him hugging my waist from behind and get everyone's attention. "I just wanted to say that everyone here means the world to us, and we could not have asked for a better night. But we are going to say our goodbyes, since we have a honeymoon to attend to!"

Loki releases me and goes to say his goodbyes while I go to say mine. When I get to my dad, he whispers something in my ear. "Come back, ok kiddo?"

"You know I will." I assure him. 

Loki and I say one last goodbye to the group before we go back to the Bifrost. We see our packed bags ready to be taken with us on our departure to Paris. Heimdall wishes us a safe journey, then twists the sword to open the bright portal. Loki and I are sucked into it, and he holds me as we travel past the stars. 

Moments later, we land in a glorious Parisian flat that's the most aesthetically French place I've ever seen. The iron railing of the balcony just outside double French doors have stunning details on them, accompanied by a small table and two chairs to enjoy the day in. White curtains sway into the room from the open doors, letting in the refreshing breeze.

The main room has a fancy setup, leading into a small kitchen with marble countertops and a bedroom and bathroom off to the right side. It's in the heart of the city, about a 10 minute walk from Paris's famous river. I drop my bags as Loki sweeps me up into his arms, carrying me to the bedroom. What he doesn't know is what I have planned for him. I know he has a kink for it, and I think tonight is the perfect night for it.

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