Part 5

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Author's note: The header gif for this part is technically supposed to represent Ayça and Loki, even though it's clearly not... Loki... or Ayça lol. Just go with it thank you (:


We arrive to the red carpet after getting a stamp on the top of our hands at the rope in the front of the event. Peter, Beth and I link arms to stay together, and I tug on Loki's wrist to come with us. He's acting very awkward, surrounded by all these people.

"Baby, you ok?" I call to him over the crowd noise.

"Did you just call me 'baby'?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Is that ok?" I say, finally pulling him close to me through the people gathering at he front of the carpet barrier.

"Certainly, baby." He says, making me absolutely melt. I giggle like an idiot, then Beth tells me to get my phone out.

The celebrities start walking with flashing cameras in their faces, interviewers asking them the same old questions, and fans screaming for their attention.

"Who's he play?" Loki asks, nodding towards a tall, fit looking man in a pinstripe suit and slicked back blonde hair.

"That's Tom Hiddleston! Oh my god!" I say, getting my phone to camera mode. "Loki, please never mention this to anyone. I have to geek out for a moment, ok?"

He crosses his arms, beaming at me. "You're adorable. Enjoy yourself, baby."

My heart flutters. I must really have how I feel about him calling me that written all over my face. I make my way to the front of the crowd just in time to meet Tom Hiddleston.

"Hi, Tom! Can I get a picture with you?" I ask him, leaning over the barrier.

"Of course, darling! What's your name?"


"That's a beautiful name, Ayça." He says, smiling at me with his perfect red carpet smile. I snap a few pictures, then lean away a little.

"I think you do an amazing job playing Loki!" I compliment him. He puts his hand to his chest in gratitude, says thank you, then squeezes my hand before he moves onto the next group of fans.

"Wait, he plays who?"

"He plays, well... you know how there's comics and stuff about the Avengers and all that, right? Well, you're in it! He plays you." I explain to Loki.

"I am aware of your fascination with superheroes, but that man looks nothing like me!"

"He looks just like you, Loki." I say with a deadpan facial expression, lowering my eyelids halfway down.

We continue to snap pictures of the actors and actresses, then we move to inside the theatre. We group together to wait in line for snacks when Loki speaks up, a little serious and a little teasing.

"Is that why you love me? Because I look like your little school girl crush?"

"Absolutely not, no." I say, shaking my head at the ground. Beth snorts in laughter while Peter's eyes dart around. They start up their own side conversation.

"This is going to be a ridiculous film."

'Loki..." I swear he's actually pouting. I think he's jealous... again. This is adorable.

"Can you not be a wet blanket right now? What's the matter, you jealous?" I tease, rubbing my hand up his bicep and biting my lip. He watches my hand slowly climb up his arm.

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