Part 22

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Author's note: Can everyone pause and just look at this man's hands in the header gif please? Thank you, that is all. carry on.


As I run towards the demonic dog crushing Loki in it's jaws, I am surrounded by red plasma. I grab the dog by his scruff and smash him to the ground, breaking his neck. My wings smoke, as if they're going to light on fire. The Avengers who are there watch in horror as horns begin to sprout out of my forehead, turning me into a full-on antichrist. I let the blood from the horns drip down my face as I turn back to Hela, who looks devastated that her dear pet is now worm food.

Hulk opens the dog's mouth to drag Loki out, who is in terrible shape. I know he will heal quickly and live, and I can't take my focus off of Hela. This is between me and her.

I call out to her army, some of which stand behind her and some are fighting my friends. "You are either with me, or with her!" I shout over the crowd, my voice hoarse and booming. It's gravely and not really mine anymore. I'm beginning to not recognize myself, it's unnerving.

"A queen does not abandon her people!" Hela shouts to them.

"Neither does she lead them to their deaths!" I argue. She doesn't respond, and under my breath I mumble something to her. "Coward." I scoff.

She throws a spear heading straight for my heart, and I catch it with one hand. I let it burn to ashes, letting them float away in the wind. So, I have fire powers when I'm this mad, huh? Well then let's give someone a face lift. 

I charge her, putting my hands on both sides of her face. Her skin burns under my touch, and I move them from her face to her neck. 

"Man, you're ugly!" I make fun of her. She tries to attack me but I shove her, and she flies backwards and into her crowd of warriors. Before she can get up, I strike. Right before I hit her, those pesky warriors of hers grab my wings and bring me to my knees. Steve's shield comes out of nowhere, hitting the guys holding me down. I spring back up to my feet, only to watch him get attacked himself.

I look back over to where Hela was, and she's gone. "HELA!" I scream, calling after her. She's running away, isn't she?

I fly through the city, trying to track her down. As I glide through the streets, I see the destruction this war has caused. That... I've caused. There are no civilians, I'm hoping they're all safe. Cars are burning, buildings are crushed and windows are broken. so many windows... this looks apocalyptic. 

I finally find her, standing by the water. A whirlpool is forming, and it's glowing. What the hell?

"What is this?" I ask her, landing on the sidewalk behind her.

"Your way back home. Since you cannot die, it should be a fun ride." 

"Are you telling me you're sending me back to that awful place? All because you can't win? You're pathetic." I scoff at her.

"No, I'm smart. Without you here, I lay waste to this planet, as should have been done thousands of years ago."

"No offense but, as the antichrist, I'm pretty sure that's my job."

She laughs at me. "You fool, your purpose was to die, letting Armageddon happen. You are to cause the war, only to leave and let it happen out of your control."

"If it isn't obvious, control is not something I'm good at." I say, creating an illusion of at least ten versions of myself, causing her to lose focus on which one is actually me. I end up surrounding her in a circle of fire, but am too late. Something opens up at the whirlpool of water. At the bottom is a wasteland, and emerging from it are creatures so ghastly I can't take them on myself. I'm done for.

I fly back to the center of the city where it started. I see the avengers, minus my dad. I hope he's ok... but I can't think about that now. I can think about this later when this is over. I have to stay focused. I touch down on the ground, then get an idea.

"Natasha, where's Loki and Tony?" I ask, walking up to her. The streets are baron, there's not much going on anymore. Hela's warriors are either dead or have retreated back with her for their second wave of attack.

"They're in the Stark Tower, why?"

"Keep it that way. I have an idea, but you all need to get into that tower now!"

"What are you going to do?" She asks, looking wearily at Steve who comes up to us, slightly limping.

"I'm going to end this." I say confidently.

"You know we aren't letting you-"

"I said get in the god damn tower, Agent Romanoff!" I yell at her. I am the only one who's going to survive this.

She purses her lips, then nods to Steve. She starts rounding up who's left to go back in the tower, just as horror strikes her face when she sees what's coming. I glare at her, telling her to continue the plan to get everyone safe.

I turn to Hela, who's coming with her army of nasty looking creatures from god knows what planet. She was willing to spill so much blood for Asgard, and now she's just being greedy. Not my planet, you bitch.

-------LOKI'S POV-------

I stand watch at the glass windows of the tower. The Avengers huddle together while I stand alone. I see Ayca, about to face Hela. What a gruesome sight she's brought with her.

"Why are you all here?" I ask, turning to face them.

"We're outnumbered and outplayed. Ayca demanded we come inside, and I'm not about to question that." Romanoff responds.

"So you're just going to leave her out there?" I scowl at her.

"Look, Stark is badly hurt, Cap's leg is probably dislocated, Thor almost lost an eye, you were being made a chew toy, and when Ayca tells me what to do when she looks like that, I'm not second guessing her." She points to the window, and my eyes follow.

My darling Ayca has catapulted herself into the air, her wings spread out and slightly mangled from the fight. I place my hand on the glass for no reason what so ever, watching in awe. Peter joins my side as they begin to fight, clashing weapons and Ayca extending her bounds of magic.

"She's one hell of a girl." He says to me, taking off his mask.

"Indeed. Listen Peter," I begin, feeling slightly sentimental. He's only a kid, after all, "I'm over protective and jealous, I know. But, I've never met someone with such glory and purpose as she. And I want her to be happy, which means including you in her life. I thought for a little while, at least, that she would want someone less... dangerous. Someone to give her a more simple, normal life. But I see now that she cannot have that, that she needs more. That she is more. You a good friend to her, Peter. And I don't think she could stay as strong without someone to hold her ground like you do. You keep her innocent, you keep her human. Thank you."

Peter looks up at me, arching his eyebrows in the middle of his forehead. He chuckles then after a moment, he says, "Do you think if I met her first things would be different?" He says, smiling at himself.

"Absolutely not, there's a ridiculous age gap." I say, snapping back into my snarky tone. I should not have gone soft for him, even if he is her friend.

"And there isn't with you two? Aren't you like, hundreds of years old?" 

I am about to respond, when suddenly the sky turns black and red, overcasting as far as the eye can see. Something is happening with Ayca, and we all crowd the window to watch.

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