Part 4

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Author's note: Are you ready for the ultimate teardown of the fourth wall? Yes? Mmm, no I don't think so. Buckle up honey bunnies, because this is going to take 2 parts! Grab your tickets and lets go ;)


I bring my sister into me and Loki's room after we have lunch on the terrace with my friends. I've grown a foundation here over the last two or so weeks, even though I feel like it's all temporary. Loki still hasn't told me his impossible master plan to keep us together yet, but I trust he will find the right moment.

She walks in, starry-eyed. "This is... over the top." She remarks, looking around at everything. I chuckle a little.

"He is a king, after all. And it's only over the top because you're a little yeeyee. Why you're in New York City I still can't understand."

"Hey, you could be yeeyee too if you wanted. It's in your blood."

"I'll stick to my golden palace, but thanks." We giggle together, and for a moment I forget everything that's happened so far. Beth has a way of doing that to me.

"Have I shown you the bathroom? It's insane!" I say, tugging on her hand to lead her to the bathroom. She laughs at what she sees, taking in all the marble and the size of everything.

"Why would you need a bathtub this big?" She asks, pointing at the tub with both hands.

"Beth..." I say, giving her a look.

"Ya'll are too fuckin' much." She says, shaking her head at me. We can't wipe the silly grins off our faces. I really missed her.

Suddenly, Thor knocks on the door. I answer, and he's holding a phone in his hand. "What is this device? Why did it suddenly play music?"

"Oh, that's my phone! Wow, can't believe I have service way out here." Beth says, coming up from behind me. "Oh, It's Peter!" She says, answering the phone. "Hey man, what's up?"

I turn to Thor while Beth walks back into the room. "Cell service?" I ask, cocking my head.

"I don't know anything about it." He says, shrugging.

"Thanks, I'll see you for dinner?" I ask, trying to see how long he and Beth staying.

"I'd be happy to accompany you and my broth-"

He's cut off my Beth rushing up to me, pulling on my arm. "Bruh! The new Marvel movie is having it's premier tonight, and Peter got us tickets! Do you have a red carpet dress? Personally, I'm wearing a suit!"

"Oh my god, are you serious!?" I say, getting excited with her.

"What is 'Marvel'?" Thor asks. The poor guy is so confused. Do we tell him?

"It's just a nerd thing, you wouldn't get it. Thor, we have to get back to Earth. Can you take us to the Bifrost? Like, now?" I say urgently.

"Leave without telling Loki?" He asks me, surprised.

"Oh shit, yeah. I mean, it will just be for one night, right? He won't mind. I'll be back by midday tomorrow. Please, Thor?" I beg, giving him puppy dog eyes. My sister joins me.

"I will take you back to the Bifrost, but you're telling Loki where you're going. I don't want to be around him when he finds out you've gone without telling him." He says, leading us back to him.

We arrive in the throne room to find it empty. Thor calls out for him, and a guard responds to him saying he's on the terrace. We follow Thor and find Loki lounging and talking with Sif. I go up to him and sit on his lap.

"Well, hello darling." He says in a smooth voice, hugging me into him.

"Loki, My king? My lover? My soulmate? My everything?" I start buttering him up, fluttering my eye leashes at him.

"What do you want?" He asks, very amused by my playfulness.

"There's a huge event going on tonight on Earth and I'm going back with Beth. I'll be back by tomorrow, and I just wanted to tell you so you don't freak out when I'm gone."

He looks at me a moment, then to my sister, then back at me. "I'm not invited?" He asks, almost sounding sincerely sad about being left out.

"I'm going with my sister and Peter, just us friends. I don't think you'd wanna come to this, it's just some nerd movie."

"I could like a Midgardian film." He says, trying to get himself invited.

I look to Beth for her opinion. She shrugs and says, "Hey, if he can get a ticket, he can come. It will be good for us to get to know each other better, anyway."

Loki breaks eye contact with her, looking concerned suddenly. Then he looks at me with a loving smile. "I can manage a silly piece of meaningless paper if it means spending time with you and your sister. If you don't mind me coming?"

"Of course I don't mind!" I say, kissing his cheek. "Besides, Thor can take your place while you're gone!"

"Now, wait a moment..." Loki says, standing up with one finger in the air. Thor booms with laughter, patting his brother on the back. It jolts him forwards and he stumbles slightly.

"I have no interest in fighting you for power any longer. Go and have fun, I'll see you when you get back."


Beth and I finish getting ready back at the Stark tower where Peter is meeting us. Since I hadn't moved out of the room he gave me, I figured I could still use it. He had told me a while ago that it will always be here for me when I need it, and to call it home. Unfortunately, I missed him when I returned here with Beth and Loki, but I will most likely see him when I get back. Jarvis said he was on a date with Pepper.

"You're gonna suffocate him." Beth says when I walk out of the closet in a black lace romper with an open back and black heels.

"How so?" I ask, knowing what she meant anyway.

"Dude you're fucking hot and he's gonna forget how to breathe when he sees you!"

We laugh, and take a picture together. I'm going to want that framed later. I tuck my phone, ID and some cash in a small pouch and head downstairs with Beth. As I descend the stairs, Loki and Peter are waiting for us.

"Hey boys!" I say as my sister smooths out her feminine black suit and twirls around in front of Peter who, adorably, is admiring her.

I walk up to Loki who is frozen in his place, his mouth dropped open. "You know, you might drool if you keep your mouth open that long." I say, shutting it with two fingers under his chin and kissing him. He kisses me back, but keeps his hands by his sides. "You alright?" I ask him.

"I hope this dress is not expensive," He says under his breathe, "Because it's going to be in shreds on the floor by the end of the night."

"Hmm, then maybe you can use a piece to tie my hands together."

He lets out a shaky exhale, restraining himself as he cups my face to kiss me. I love watching him fluster.

"Ok, ready to hit the road?" Peter asks.

We walk downstairs to a car waiting for us. Peter sits in the front seat with the driver while I'm in the back between Loki and Beth.

"Oh, Ayça. Did I mention to bring a pen and paper?" She asks me while we are driven out of the driveway.

"No, why?"

"Because it's the red carpet. All the actors are gonna be there, so if you want their signature you should bring one."

My face turns white with excitement. "Do you mean I'm going to meet Tom Hiddleston!?"

I squeal, clapping and getting way too excited. Loki furrows his brows, almost in a jealous way and touches my thigh to get my attention and asks, "Who?"

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