Chapter 1

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{Year 2025}

"Will you do me the honor of..." I cut him off by kissing his sweet lips and breathe in.

{Year 2013}

Mae had always like Cain. She would sit and dream for hour after hour about him. In class she would doodle and imagine what her life would be like if Cain liked her too. As they grew up they became farther and farther apart from each other. They had grown up and moved away. They had not seen each other for years until now.

{Year 2020}

Mae was walking in the park next to the college she was attending. Mae was taking biology hoping one day to become a biologist.

Cain was also at the park playing soccer next to the college that he attended. He had a scholarship in sports hoping one day to become a professional soccer player. Cain was laughing and playing with his friends when one of his team mates over shot the ball, missed the goal and it landed in Mae's lap.

"So sorry!" Said Cain trying to figure out if he knew the person on the bench.

"Thats okay." Mae exclaimed looking up and brushing off dirt from the soccer ball.

When Cain's eyes met Mae's the whole world stopped, like they were the only two in the world. Cain was so surprised. "I can't even believe my eyes! In the flesh Mae Klaine! I haven't seen you in ages!"

Mae examined Cain curiously before gasping and shouting, "Oh my lord! Cain Windur? What are you doing here?"

"I got a scholarship for soccer. I go to West Academy School, for sports. What are you doing here?"

"I go to West Academy, for Biology." Mae pauses to admire Cain's tight shirt showing off his gorgeous abs. "Well umm..." Mae blurted out glancing down at his abs and back up to his face, "Maybe we will see each other around." She stuttered brushing hair out of her face.

"Yeah maybe!" Cain exclaimed walking off back to his game smiling and occasionally turning back and looking at Mae.

"You know that girl?" Asked one of his teammates.

"No." Cain replied sarcastically. His teammate gave him a glare. "Yeah, we went to school together for as long as I can remember, and I think I'm in love with her." Cain replied chuckling and shaking his head.

{Mae's POV}

I pushed my glasses up higher onto the bridge of my nose and I looked back down at my book. I couldn't concentrate without the image of Cain's abs flashing through my mind. The perfect perfection of every sheer square of muscle made me shiver.

The feeling that followed next rose through my stomach yet felt so familiar. The urge to spend my every waking moment with Cain was what followed. I walked silently back to my dorm hugging my book and smiling.

I walked in and went over to my desk, sat down, and dug through the drawers. "Where was it?" I thought throwing crap all over my already messy dorm. "Where in the world is it? Ah-ha! Found it!" I exclaimed to myself grasping my best memory. Quickly I pulled out the crumbled up sheet of paper and de-crumpled it. The sheet of paper was covered with doodle after doodle. I remember each drawing individually. The one of the cloud was in 7th grade when Cain finally got to sit in front of me. The heart with the m+c in it was 9th grade science when we got to be lab partners. Every memory was perfect. In the corner of the paper was another piece of paper attached with old gum. On it was written Cain's phone number. We had always had the best friendship during school. But after high school we both moved away.

"What's up bro? Whatcha got there?" My roommate, Cassie said popping a cigarette into her mouth and grabbing my paper. "Is it a love letter?" Said Cassie pursing her lips into a kissy face. "Oh wait, I forgot, no one loves you!"

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