Chapter 12

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{Cain's POV}

Mae turned around away from my hug and yelled out to Gina.

Gina was coughing and laughing. She sounded like she way choking and my heart started racing. I couldn't let Gina go down like this.

He face turned a bright plum purple. Her eyes got wide and he started to cough and choke. He heart monitor soared and raced very fast.

Mae was scrambling to help her, doing everything in her will to save her but she shook her head. "Whats wrong! Why won't you let me help you?"

She coughed and choke on. She pointed to her phone, half choking. Still laugh-choking and showed Mae a picture. that she took.

I didn't see the photo but Mae's face turned bright red and she immediately yelled, "Delete it! NOW! How could you scare me like that!"

Gina nodded and was still laughing. It must have been a bad photo because Mae looked annoyed. It could also have been because she thought Gina was in trouble.

Gina calmed down after a while and eventually started to rest. I walked over to Gina and put my arm around hers. I never really have been close to Gina but I know how much Mae cares for her so I care for her too.

"You know..." Gina says her voice slowing, "in case I go---"

"Which you wont!" Mae interrupts.

"But in case I do," Gina says looking back at me, "you should know that Mae," she breathes in, "loves you, and," she pauses again, "I don't want you to hurt her."

"That's never gonna happen, trust me." I say smiling a Mae. I kiss her on the lips passionately and smile.

"Eww. Gross. No PDA! I'm over here dying and you guys are kissing, belch!" Gina says pretending to puke.

I smile and wink at Mae. I grab her hips and pull her in close to me. And kiss her more just to make Gina mad. It seemed to work because Gina immediately threw her pillow at us. We laughed and stopped.

I picked up her pillow and handed it back to her.

She smiled a thanks. "Tell me when the funeral is. I want to be there to tell him that I am sorry." We nod and Mae and I started to walk out of the room. "Get some rest." Mae and I say in perfect synch. We all laugh and we walk out of the room.

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