Chapter 10

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{Gina's POV}

"Let go!" I shout at Brody who had his hands firmly pressed against the steering wheel in a death grip. I attempt to turn the wheel but he doesn't loosen his drunken grip.

"LET GO!" I shout again slapping his hands, doing all that is in my will to make him let go.

"Let g---" I start but get jerked to the side. The wheels of the car spins dramatically as the semi-truck heads towards us. I get thrown to the side, breaking the side window on impact.

The car tumbles and flips as we get tossed around inside. The horn from the semi-truck blares as he see's us get thrown to the side of the road through his headlights. The driver slams on the breaks and gets out of his car.

{Narrator's POV}

The truck driver gets out of his car and runs over to the tipped over car, crashed on the side of the road.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." The driver repeated over and over again. Luckily the truck didn't hit the car, but the car did spin out of control on the side of the road.

The car was flipped over in a ditch, Gina half hanging out of the side of the window. Brody was inside the car unconscious from impact. The truck driver ran to his truck and dug through his console until he found his phone.

He tried to dial 911 but he had no cell service, just his luck. "Come on, come on, come on!" He said sticking his phone in the air as if he could get a better signal that way.

For some strange reason, the roads were eerily empty. The truck driver had no way of communicating with the police and no one was around to help. All of the shops were closed because it was 1:00 in the morning.

The truck driver still had his arm in the air when he got a signal. He dialed 911.

"This is 911 how may we help you?"

"Umm yes. There is a car tipped on the side of the road and you need to come and send an ambulance quick!" The truck driver exclaimed walking over to the car.

The car had no dents in it from the truck. The truck driver sighed in relief and waited for the police to come.

A couple of minutes later the police came and jumped out of their car. They all ran over to the tipped over car. One police talked to another and murmured to each other. They found Gina's body and gasped. They called over for a stretcher and a woman came running.

The pried Gina out of the window and gently placed her on the stretcher. A doctor was checking her pulse. Shes dropping fast, but shes a fighter." He said to the man wheeling the stretcher. He stared back him. "Go! Take her to the hospital."

The man seemed surprised, "Oh yeah, uhh right sorry." They put Gina into the ambulance and drove away. They went back over to Brody. A doctor was checking his pulse. He moved his fingers around but he couldn't find anything. He looked up at the other police man and shook his head. He looked back down and opened Brody's mouth. He laid his mouth in Brody's and breathed out. He pumped his chest at steady intervals and repeatedly breathed into his mouth. The man was so full of hope to stop now.

The truck driver was standing in front of his truck being questioned about what he saw and what happened. The man told the police what had happened.

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