Chapter 15

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{Mae's POV}

I was still sitting all alone in the bathroom. The blade I was using was dull so I chucked it at the closed door. My super stupid boyfriend walked out so now I am sitting here by myself when I really need a friend. Too bad, we don't always get what we want.

Gina was in the hospital, Brody, dead, and my best friend, Tami, is God knows where. I sob and scramble for my phone.

I reach for it, extending my left arm, feeling the sting in my arm. I groan and pick up my phone.

I search through my contacts and find Tami. I hit her number and my phone starts to dial hers. I listen to the buzz against my ear. I start to shake, scared that she wont pick up.

{Tami's POV}

My pocket started to buzz. My boss wasn't around so I checked my phone. You aren't supposed to have your phone in the clinic but oh well.

I look down at my phone in shock. It was Mae! I haven't talked to her in forever and I knew if she wanted to talk she would text.

Being an intern I was allowed to take breaks and get off of the hook easier so I answered the phone.

"Hey! Wha---" I stop when I hear Mae cut me off.

"Tam, I-I-I..." Mae was crying. There was an echo in the background so she was probably in a bathroom. She never cries, something was up. "I-I-I need you. G-G-Gina is in the hos-hos-pital a-a-and I need you. Please come. Please." Her voice fades away and my jaw drops. I don't know if that is why she was crying or what.

"Y-Yes, I'm coming!" I yell and hang up the phone.

I run down the clinic halls to my boss. "I need to go help my friend, I'm so sorry." I say and before my boss can answer I run out of the door, to my car, and set my GPS to her college.

{Mae's POV}

Three beeps come over the phone indicating that she hung up. The clinic she worked in was about 2 hours away and her house another 2 from there.

I sit in the bathroom for the longest time, letting myself bleed to death. Tears stream down my face and splash in puddles. I wait for Tami to arive and plan on what I was going to say.

The first thing she was going to ask is why I cut. I'll tell her about Cain and Cassie and how Gina and Brody wound up where they are. I then will tell her how I got two broken legs.

I must been thinking for a while because when I check my phone, I have 15 missed calls. I call Tami back.

"Hell-Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"I'm at the school, where are you?" Tami calls back.

"In room 322, the door is unlocked and I am in the bathroom." I answer back trying to sound okay, but I'm not.

I hear a faint 'okay' calk back through the phone before I hear three beeps.

I stand up, struggling to balance with two casts. I look into the mirror and wipe my tears. I attempt to fix the smeared black mascara running down my cheeks, but it was no use.

{Tami's POV}

I find room 322 and walk in. The room was messy and posters of soccer players were all over the walls. This couldn't be Mae's dorm, she hates soccer. I shake the thoughts away and follow Mae's instructions. I walk to the bathroom door and knock.

I hear a faint, wavered 'come in' escape through the wooden door. I walk and and see the unexpected. Memories and flashbacks blare through my mind.


{7th grade Tami's POV}

Mae met me down the hallway. We were on our way to spend the next two periods watching a basketball game. Mae was awfully quite so I asked, "You okay?"

She shook her head and I worriedly looked at her. "What's wrong?" I asked again.

She looked up at me and mumbled, "Nothing."

I didn't believe her though. I was worried, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. She was holding back something deep but I decided not to ask her about it.

Occasionally she would seem fine but then she would immediately go back to being sad in the blink of an eye.

I didn't fully understand what was wrong with her so I tried not to ask her all day. When I saw her that coming Monday, though, I found out what was wrong.

There were scars up her wrists and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?" She hung her head low and told me how it was her first time, but she had cut herself.

•~•~•~•~•*End Flashback*•~•~•~•~•

{Tami's POV}

I stare Mae down, probably making her feel uncomfortable. I stop and look down at my feet, not knowing what to say. There was a lot going on here and I hadn't talked to Mae in forever. There were puddles of blood and tears collected at her feet.

"Oh Mae." Is all I can think to say. I walk over to Mae and hug her. Reluctantly, she hugs back, sobbing into my shoulder. I pull her to a standing position, noticing the two casts she had somehow gotten.

She struggles but walks with me into the bedroom and we sit down on the bed. "Start from the beginning." I say, hoping he knows what I was talking about.

"I-I was in the park reading when Cain noticed me. Apparently out of the two years I have been going here, him too, we finally saw each other." She says, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh so Cain is here?"

"Yeah, and Brody and Gina, as you know." She replied with a saddened face. She continues the story. "That night my roommate, Cassie, who is not pregnant, long story, made me mad and I ran out crying. Cain found me and he kissed me." She looks up at me and I smile. She doesn't smile back, she just looks at me. "Now my dorm is his dorm and we are dating. But since he kissed me that first time, I-umm... tried to umm..." Mae struggles to say something. I hope she doesn't say what I think she is going to say. "I attempted," she paused. My heart race as I prayed she didn't say what I think she is going to, "to commit suicide." Yup. She said it. "I wound up in the hospital with two broken legs." She says gesturing to her casts.

I gulp and hug her. She shrugs me off and continues talking. "Cain found me after Cassie forced him to sleep with her. We weren't officially dating until after my attempt. Then, when I got out we had a friend get-together and Gina showed up. Brody, Cassie, Gina, Cain, and I all played truth or dare where I found out about the 'sleepover' Cain and Cassie had. Brody and Gina went out and well," Mae pauses and winces at the thought, "Brody made Gina crash and Gina is in the hospital and Brody is umm... dead."

I gasp and squeeze Mae's shoulders together. I know how much he meant to her.

"I found out that Cassie was pregnant today and this is why I am here, because not only did I find out that he slept with Cassie from Cassie but I found out she was pregnant, from Cassie telling me."

"Oh my goodness." I say. "Mae, I love you so much, oh my gosh. But please please stop. I care to much about you to let you do this to yourself."

She hung her head low, sniffled, but nodded her head. She looked back up at me and smiled. Tears streaked her face along with black mascara washed down from the crying. I looked at Mae's arms in pretty rough condition. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up." I say to her.

She simply nods in agreement.

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