Chapter 8

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{Mae's POV}

I hear Cain calling after my name. I ignore him and keep on running, well kind of. It's hard to run with crutches and I don't want to fall, again. The steady stream of tears rushing out of my eyes soaks my shirt. I don't want to be near him. I don't want to touch him, see him, hear him. All I want to do is be alone.

Suddenly I stop. What if this is how Cain felt when I attempted? What if he is scared I will do it again? What if he knows I will never forgive him but he's trying to protect me?

I turn around and see Cain running towards me. He stops when he sees me standing in the hallway. "Mae, I can explain---"

He stops talking when I run, drop my crutches, and jump into his arms. He holds me confused but cares and doesn't put me down. "I'm sorry. You might not know what for but all you need to know is that I'm sorry. I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me. We may not ever be as close as we were but I forgive you." My voice wavers when I speak. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I repeat over and over again.

I push away from Cain but he doesn't put me down. He stands there hugging me. I hug him back. Cain was strong, I knew that, so it was no use trying to push away from him. A single tear falls down his face. "Mae," he stutters out, "I was forced. It was all just to get you. I was pressured." He raises his voice a little more tears roll down his face. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want you to find out this way. I'm so sorry if I hurt you."

I whisper in his ear, "It's okay, I forgive you. I'm sorry too. Like I said, you might not know what for but I am sorry."

"I forgive you, even if I don't know what you mean." Cain said, his voice wavering from a normal to broken one.

We stand there in the hallway for a long time, hugging each other. His hands wrapped firmly around my waist, my legs around his. His face was stained with tears, so was mine. Eventually, I fall asleep in his arms an he carries me back to the dorm.

{Cain's POV}

The clock read 1:43 a.m. We must have been in the hallway for a long time. No one was in the dorm room so they all must have went home. I'll clean the mess up in the morning.

I lay Mae down in her bed and I get into mine. I take my shirt off and sleep in just my boxers. I try to think if happy thoughts, only three weeks until graduation, but Mae still flashed in the back of my mind. What did she mean by she was sorry? Shouldn't I be the one who was sorry? The thought blared through my mind, I was trying to think of every possibility there was.

Eventually, I must have fallen asleep, tired from all of the thinking.

I wake up to the sound of groaning. I open my eyes and see Mae squirming in bed. She was tossing and turning a mumbling something that I couldn't understand. I walk over to her bed and look at her. A stay piece of hair had fallen in her face so I absentmindedly tucked it behind her ear.

When I did she bursted upright in a cold sweat. "What the hell! I was sleeping!" She yelled at me. She took a closer look at me before stating, "Were you watching me sleep?"

"You were tossing and turning so I wanted to make sure you were okay." I answer kind of feeling bad for what I did.

"Well I was fine until you woke me up!" She said angrily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I say apologizing in the sweetest way possible.

"It's fine." She says in a calmer tone. She must have just been scared from the dream she was having. She look up at me a patted the bed next to her, motioning for me to sit.

I sat next to her and ran my finger through her hair to soothe her. She was breathing heavily and her face was bright red.

"It was about you." She said randomly. "You were the one who committed suicide. I couldn't get to you, I let you lay there. Your body was limp and frail." She looks up at me with sorrow in her eyes. "Was that what I looked like?"

"Oh no. Of course not." I said calming her down. She hugs me an lays her head on my shoulder, I just now realized I still had no shirt on. "What were you talking about anyway?" I say after a while.

"The dream."

I look down at her and lay my head on top of hers. "You are alright now. I promise." I reassure her, stroking her hair.

She looks up at me and kisses me lightly. "I know we may not be as close anymore but, I need to learn to forgive, forget, and live on." She says.

I smile."See this is why I love you."

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