Chapter 32

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{Cain's POV}

When I woke up I didn't realize I had actually fallen asleep. I sprung immediately out of bed. I rubbed my eyes for I had stayed up all last night waiting for Mae to come back. I decided not to tell Gina and Tami, I didn't want to frighten them.

When they asked I had simply said Mae was sound asleep and I didn't want them to wake her. I had assumed Mae would be back by now but she wasn't.

I paced the floors back and forth thinking of where she could have gone. After our fight did she leave? I didn't know the answer.

Shes stupid, and she thinks she needs help but she doesn't. She's perfectly fine and needs to realize that she is perfectly fine. She just feels really bad about her past, but shes fine. I know she's fine. She wants us to pity her when she pities herself, and no one wants to. Why? Because she's fine.

I had been pacing so long that Tami and Gina came in and complained about me making noise.

"Dude! Can you stop pacing you woke me up!" Gina says.

"And trust me it take A LOT to wake her up." Tami chimes in.

Gina scopes out my room. I try to distract her as much as possible but it didn't work. "Where's Mae? I thought you said she was here."

"Well she was, when we left the house last night."

"What about when we came back?" Tami adds in.

"No." I say silently and hope for the best.

"What!?" They both say in almost perfect unison.

"I don't know where she is. She is just gone."

"Well we have to go and find her!" Tami says clearly sounding worried.

"But where are we going to look?" I ask.

"I don't know but all we know is shes probably really far away if she has been gone all night." Gina says getting aggravated. "Lets move!"

I grap my keys and lead Gina and Tami to my car. We hop in and don't even worry about seat belts. We backed out and sped down the road.

"MAE!" We all screeched out the window. "MAE! Where are you!"

We drove around blocks, through every neighborhood. We rode down streets and ignore stop signs and stop lights. We did everything in our will to find her but we eventually got pulled over by the cops.

He drove to our window and I greeted him. "Good morning sir."

"Sir you understand that you are breaking laws here." Te police man stated. "Not only are you speedibg but you have no seatbelts on, are ignoring stop signs and lights, and you are disturbing the peacefulness with all of your screaming."

I nodded my head, understanding what he had just told us.

"Whose missing." He stated blatantly.

"My-My girlfriend, Mae."

He nodded his head and paused before replying. "There was lady reported sleeping under a woman's tent in the state park."

"That must be her. Se was gone all night and the state park is only about ten or so miles from the house." Gina shouted from the backseat.

"But," the police officer continued, "she was reported to have been running straight off."

"Shoot." I say under my breath.

The police officer bods and walks back to his car, hops in and drives off, leaving us with just a measly warning.

I hit the gas and we drive silently to the state park. When we arrive there was a crowd around the rock cliff in the distance.

Tami and Gina give each other a glare before we all run over to the rock.

We arrive in shock to see Mae standing on the edge.

"MAE!" Gina, Tami, and I yell at the same time.

Then we notice someone else was in the cliff too. I squint trying to figure out who the familiar figure was.

"Holy fuck." Gina says. I glare at her not knowing what she was proposing. "That's Brody. And Mae's about to attempt, again."

"How do you know that's Brody?" I ask. Before she can answer my phone rings. I answer the phone without taking my eyes off of Mae.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Cain. Guess what?" Cassie.

"What, I'm kind of busy."

"I heard you went to the beach. While you're enjoying the beach I'm here the size of a beach ball." I rolled my eyes at her statement. "And since you left me and so did Brody, I have no one."

"Actually..." I say back to her. "I'm actually staring at Brody right now."

"What?!" Cassie replies shocked.

Right as she does Mae takes and step closer to the edge.

"MAE!" I screech. "Got to go Cassie!" I hung up the phone and ran towards the base of the rock hill, so did Gina and Tami.

"I'm coming!" I shouted at the base and started to run up the hill to the top where my best friend and Mae were at.

I got the top and clung to Mae's arm right as se takes a step off of the hill. A gasp goes through the crowd. But luckily I held on tight.

Gina must have read my mind because she shooed the people off.

I pull Mae back to a standing position. "Why would you do that!" Mae shouts at me angrily. I see out of the corner of my eye Brody walking away. No we were alone.

"I didn't want you to go." I say softly and as sweetly as possible.

"But why. Why do I deserve love. Why am I the lucky one who tries to die, twice, but always being saved by someone who loves me. I don't understand why I'm the lucky one."

"Well, love is for the lucky ones and you are very lucky to have me." I say sweetly to calm her nerves. She tenses up.

"But... umm... Brody kissed me."

My face drops but then I smile. "Well it's a good thing you didn't kiss him back."

"But I did." She says a little quieter, and tensing up when I throw my hands in the air in disbelief.

"How long ago?"

"This morning." She pauses to breathe in and wipe a falling tear. "In my defense---"

I cut her off. "What!? In your defense what!?"

She breathes in to reply but a wave of nausea rushes over her and she passes out. Sitting on the edge she slips from being sick and slides down the rock.

I scramble for her arms, her feet, anything.

I saw her body relax and all of her fears and depression faded away. Her lifeless body floated down through the air.

I squealed and let out a mangled sob.

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