Chapter 29

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{Gina's POV}

We arrive at the beach house around 5:30. After Cain and I's fight, no one dared to say a word. We were all unloading the car taking it into the house. It was a small one storied house, with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms.

The living room was washed over with black leather couches and shades of greens and blues mixed into the pillows, rugs, and curtains. The kitchen had a small table with 6 chairs and had black marble countertops. The cabinets were a washed out blueish-green color. Tami and I's bedroom was painted blue with a queen sized bed dressed in a green comforter. The bathroom was the same washed out blueish-green cabinets with a black marble countertop and a black marble shower. The shower curtain was blue. The last bedroom was the same as the first one except had a king sized bed in it. All of the floors were a dark wooden color.

I threw my stuff into the room and stepped out onto the wooden porch over hanging the road. The porch was connected to the bedroom. I looked out at the road beneath me, watching Tami, Mae, and Cain silently unload the car. This was all my fault, I should have never provoked the fight. Mae was walking into the house so I stepped off of the porch and greeted her at the entrance.

"Hey." I said calmly. She was about to answer but I felt a buzzing in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and saw that my mom was calling me. I haven't talked to her in weeks, but she always calls at the wrong time. I groan and decline the call.

"Who was that?" Mae says confused.

"Oh, just my mom. She always calls at the wrong time."

"At Least your mom calls you." She answers with a saddened expression.

"Well, here," I say handing her my phone, "you can call her."

She pushes my hand away. "No, its not like that. She never calls because I haven't seen her since I was 12 years old."

"Why?" I ask pulling her out onto the big porch that cones off of the living room and over hangs the beach.

"My sister, she, uhh, she told my parents lies that made me get sent away and I just figured this out yesterday. I thought that my family had got taken away from me but in fact I got taken away from them."

"I'm sorry. At least thats the only reason why."

She look back at me worriedly.

"Right?" I asked.

"My father abused me. He would always come home drunk and hit me. My mom bullied me by saying things that weren't true, but to this day I've made myself believe them. My sister told them that I was a lesbian, which I thought there was nothing wrong with that even if I'm not, but my parents were against it. They sent me away to my uncles house where he sexually abused me and raped me probably because he was trying to make me like guys."

My jaw dropped halfway through her speech. All this time I never thought that she had gone through it that rough. I had no idea. I didn't know what to say so I just hugged her. She didn't hug back but she didn't push away. "I'm so sorry."

She pushed away and left me standing awkwardly on the porch. I stared out at the horizon watching the sun sink slowly behind it.

{Mae's POV}

I walked into the blue bedroom and plopped down on the green king sized bed. Tears ran down my face and I sat, alone in the locked room. Today was a long day where I could just think.

I am broken and depressed and no matter how hard someone thinks they can try to fix, they can't. I am practically too broken to ever be put back together again. I don't know what it is but sometimes I like being sad. I like being alone. But sometimes I think like Gina does. She says Cain is no good for me. Sometimes I wonder how he could even like me. And now he says he 'loves' me. No one loves me. No one can fall in love with a broken depressed girl that can never be fixed. Cain thinks he can fix me but he can't. No one can erase the pain of my past. No. One.

I must have been thinking for a long time because a knock sounds at the door. "Mae, are you okay?" Cain.

"Mae we can hear you crying can we come in?" Gina.

"Mae, we are here for you, can you come out?" Tami.

All of then say they love me but they don't. They just feel pity for me. They don't love me. If I wasn't so broken they wouldn't do this for me, they wouldn't be my friends. They would make fun of me like the rest.

"Come on Mae we can hear you through the door." Cain says gently.

"So! Why the hell do I care what ya'll think. Ya'll don't love me."

"Mae open the door!" Cain yells at me. I slowly get up and open the door. I lean against the door frame.


"Can we talk?" He says a little calmer. I pull him into the room and sit on the bed.

"What." I say angrily.

"We heard you crying. Are you okay? You know we are all here for you."

"Yeah, I know you are but you are only here to pity me. Ya'll don't really care for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Ya'll can't make me feel better no matter how hard you try. I am broken and you can't fix me, ever. I'm stuck like this. So you can go ahead and leave me because I know you are only here because you feel bad for me." I say raising my voice.

"I'm not going to leave, I love you, I don't feel bad for you. Well, thats not why I help you. I help you because I care for you."

"No you don't! I heard your conversation with Gina, she's right! You don't really care, you just pity me just like the rest of the people on this earth!"

"Oh Mae---"

I cut him off. "Don't pity me!"

He sighs and asks, "Are you alright?"

"No! I'm a fuck-up who no one likes so, NO! I'm not okay. But you know, look at the scar on my hip. It says what I tell people. There is a sar on my hip that say 'I'm fine'. So leave me alone."

With that Cain nods and walks out of the door. I feel bad. Sometimes I tell people to get away but what I really want is for them to stay. Everyone leaves me like my best friend.

My best friend is dead.

I miss him so much and I was too caught up in my personal business that we couldn't have a funeral. And now I one more person lonely. But that's okay. I'm fine. I don't care. The more people that leave me the better off I am. I'm alone and I don't care.

I'm used to it.

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