Chapter 3

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{Cain's POV}

I don't what happened. Mae was kissing me and I was enjoying every second of it. She said something about Cassie before she stormed out of the room.

I stood in the doorway so confused as to what I did. I really like Mae but she's so sensitive and I know it something to do with the past. I know she will tell me when she is ready.

I drifted off into a trace and awoke when I saw Cassie passing by me. "Cassie! Wait up Cassie!" I yelled waving Cassie down.

"What do you want?" She said surprised, walking her fingers up my shirt. I slapped her down.

"Do you know where Mae went?" I questioned.

"Maybe... but I won't tell you until you do something for me." She smirked that smirk that means she has a trick up her sleeve and she knows where Mae is.

"Fine what?" I replied not really thinking she would tell me.

"Follow me!" She raised her eyebrows and giggled an evil laugh. I followed Cassie into their dorm. "Take your shirt off." I refused. "Well then bye bye Mae!" She smirked again and I took my shirt off. She looked down at me and mumbled something I couldn't hear. She pulled me in and whispered, "Do it for Mae."

A half an hour later, both of us sweating I ask, "Okay! Where is Mae, I've done what you wanted."

"She might have run out of the building, she might not have."

Before I could reply I raced out of the building and down the street. "Mae, Mae can we talk!" I screamed.

{Mae's POV}

"Three... two... o---"

{Cain's POV}

I get this feeling in my gut that Mae is in trouble. Someone shrieks from across the street at the hotel. I run over there. I find a little girl laying limp on the sidewalk. As I take a closer look, I see blood coming from the girl. And it wasn't just any girl, it was Mae.

"Someone help! Someone help my girlfriend someone! HELP!"

The rest was a blur. I wake up in a hospital chair. I blink a couple of times. Mae was attached to wires all bandaged up but she was alive, barely. I burst out of the chair and walk over to Mae. I couldn't even imagine what my life would be without her. Tears roll down my cheeks and press my head to Mae's chest.

I breathed in and sobbed into her shirt. "Thank you, Thank you." I repeated this over and over again.

A gasp came from Mae's body. She was weak, but she was okay. I step back to give her some space.

"Cain... come here." She says weakly, barely loud enough for me to hear.

I walk closer and she pulls me down. She kisses my lips real fast and says, "Yes."

I give her a puzzled glance. She smiles and says, "I'm your girlfriend?" She giggles but it turns into a cough.

I chuckle. "You heard that?" I say embarrassed that she heard me say that.

She smiles. "Unless you didn't want me to."

I laugh. "Don't worry I did!"

I kiss her passionately. "You get some rest."

She didn't resist and went right to sleep. Within a few minutes she was fast asleep. "I love you." I say knowing she won't hear me, but that's okay.

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