Chapter 33

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{Brody's POV}

Cain gasps. Mae falls. I have a plan.

People at the bottom to catch her. I had planned it being this way.

Cain cries. Mae is caught. My plan worked.

{Mae's POV}

I fall. A rush of freedom rushes over me. And then it hits me all at once. The ground wasn't hard and it didn't hurt. In fact I look down and it wasn't the ground at all. It was arms, I had been caught. I groan and roll out of the peoples arms. I hit the ground and walk away perfectly fine.

Cain gasps when he sees me and I groan. He runs up and hugs me. I don't hug him back, I get in the car with Gina, Tami, and now Brody.

I want to go home. I wanted to die but people keep stopping me from that.


I sit in the bedroom on the bed. Cain walks in. "Ugh, please go away and leave me alone."


"Excuse me?"

"I said no."

"What do you want Cain!"

Cain takes a seat next to me on the bed. "Tell me all of your dreams."

"Why, why should I?" I say angrily.


I sigh. I guess it couldn't hurt. "I want to grow up, own a puppy. I want to own a horse that I can train. Then I want property with a barn and a house. I want to get married and eventually have kids. Okay there, you happy?"

"Yes. You don't even know how happy I am to know that."


"Because," Cain stands up and walks to the door. He opens the door and walks out.

Well that was weird. He walks in and walks away like nothing was wrong at all. Like I hadn't just tried to kill myself. Sometimes people really confuse me.

I sigh and lay back on the bed. Soon enough I fall asleep.


I hear a knock at the door. I walk to the door open it. Cain stands there with a blanket in his hand.

"What is this?"

Gina and Tami walk up behind him a snicker behind his back. Cain unwraps the blanket and reveals a puppy.

"Oh my gosh! How did you even find one so fast?"

"Well you were sleeping for a good twelve hours and when we drove home from the state park I saw a puppy sale. So I went and got you one."

"Thanks..." I say a little saddened that they were only doing this because they feel bad for me. The puppy was cute though. It was a chocolate lab with blue/gray eyes. It was small and was probably only eight weeks old. I smiled at the dog and pet its head. I didn't know what to name it.

Gina, Tami, Cain, and now Brody were standing in the door way. I assumed he had told them how he had come back and not really had died.

I walk up to the door and shoo them away. I shut the door and walk back to the bed. I stay seated on the bed with my new puppy. Tears roll down my face. Everything was happening so fast. Like who the hell goes out and buys their girlfriend a puppy during the twelve hours that she sleeps.

Tears roll down my face faster. I cuddle the dog. Why is he pitying me. Why is being so weird. Is it because I attempted to kill myself!? Oh my lord, it is!

I stroke the dogs head and cry into the bed. This is shit. This is real stupid shit. I don't need anyone to pity me! I don't care what anyone says I don't need anyones help.

No one deserves to pity me, no one deserves me. People treat me stupidly but no one deserves me. I don't even deserve myself.

I hate myself. And that's how it is going to stay.

I stroke the dog again. He is pretty cute though. I was very confused on what should happen next. How will all of my friends treat me. This was supposed to be a vacation.

Oh shit. That's all I can think is oh shit. I don't know what's going to happen. I pick the puppy up and set him on the floor.

I run to the bathroom connected to the bedroom and lock the door. I pick up the razor and pop it out.

The blade kisses my skin on my thigh.

One cut for stupid friends.

Two cuts for hating myself.

Three cuts for killing myself.

Four cuts for it not working.

Five cuts for pity.

Six cuts for a stupid pity puppy.

Seven cuts for a stupid plan.

Eight cuts for a stupid life.

Eventually there were to many cuts and I was bleeding a lot. I didn't even want to think about what everyone else was going to say.

I was scared. I stayed seated on the counter top. I heard the puppy scratching on the door but I ignored it.

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