Chapter 9

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{Brody's POV}

Cain just left the room to chase after Mae, who found out he had slept with MY girlfriend.

I look at Cassie and she shrugs it off like its no big deal. "Might I ask why?" I spit out at Cassie.

"Well, your performance was low and I needed something more... exciting." She replies shrugging.

"Oh so now its my fault that I wont have sex with you? Because I want to stay pure and wait for the right person!" I yell back into her face. "And quite frankly, I'm not sure if you are the right person either." I say turning my eyebrows up.

She throws her hands up in mock surrender,"Fine! Not my fault. Go find another woman to make you happy."

"Actually it is your fault. From what I hear you pressured him into doing it as blackmail to find Mae." I accuse her.

Just now realizing Gina was in the room, she stands up and starts to creep out of the room silently.

"Hey! Come back here! I need you for a witness!" I yell angrily, not trying to upset her, I'm just pissed off at Cassie. She creeps back into the room and takes a seat on the mattress.

"I'll have you know that I---" Cassie gags, "I---" She gags again, "I'm gonna throw up!" She runs to the bathroom and pukes into the toilet.

I rub her back and pull her hair out of her face. I kneel beside her for comfort. I may be mad at her but I will always care for her.

She wipes her mouth with toilet paper, throws it into the toilet, and flushes. "There is something else you should know." Cassie says starting to worry me. What else could possibly be as worse as figuring out that my girlfriend slept with my best friend and probably ruined my best friends relationship. "I-I-I'm... pregnant."

My head feels dizzy and the whole earth starts to spin. The words replay over and over in my mind. Pregnant pregnant pregnant. The whole Earth seems to me mocking me.

I lean against the door frame and breath heavily. I shut my eyes and repeat, "This is all a dream, this is all a dream, this is all a dream."

Cassie slaps me across the face, not very hard. "Snap out of it. Welcome to reality!"

I open my eyes and glare at Cassie. I turn my head and shun her. I need some time to think. "Come one Gina, we are getting out of here." I say motioning for Gina to follow.

"Where are you going with out me?" Cassie whines. What a baby! I laugh a little and reply, "Out. We will be back soon. Oh but don't worry you wont be alone." I shake my head and chuckle at my own joke.

A puzzled look crosses Cassie's face along with a wave of confusion. "What?" She questions squinting and turning her eyebrows in.

"Oh you know, you and the human growing inside you." I say and strut out of the room proud and confident in myself.

Gina follows me into the hallway, down the stairs and out to the car. I open the door to the drivers side and get in. Gina gets into the passenger side.

"Where are we going?" Gina asks resting her feet on the dashboard.

"Getting drunk." I say casually. I push Gina's feet off of the dash and wipe away the dirt.

The closest bar was right around the corner, five blocks down. We arrive at the Drunken Rooster and casually walk in. The clamor of the room was settling and relaxing. It was better seeing other people fight an have fun than sit at home and argue with Cassie.

"Yee-haw! Doesn't this look fun!" Gina says sarcastically giving my a thumbs up. I laugh and pull her in. We sit down at the counter next to an old man on one side and two young girls kissing on the other side.

"What can I getcha?" The waitress says putting glasses up into the cabinets.

"Uhh, I take a Gin and she'll take a scotch." I say ordering for Gina because clearly she has never been here before. She keeps looking around, her eyes open wildly paying attention to everything.

The waitress slams the drinks down on the counter in front of us splashing a little everywhere. Gina jumps at the sound and I hand her her drink. "Drink this, it will calm you down.

"Calm me down? What do you mean calm down? There is nothing wrong with me. I'm totally calm. Pshhhh. Nothings wrong, why would you ask?" She spat out at the speed of light.

"I didn't ask you if anything is wrong. Well, what is wrong, now that you mention it." She motions me to lean closer so I do.

"I'm 20." She says and I laugh so hard that I piss my pants.

"What is so funny?" She demands. Ooo snappy little girl!

"Hold up! I just peed my pants laughing at you!" I say holding my junk trying not to pee anymore than I already did. I pull out my wallet and show her my ID.

"So your 21, I'm not! What is so funny?" She whisper yells.

"This," I say pointing to my ID with my one free hand, "is fake." I say still half laughing at Gina.

"Ohhh! Wait. What about me though?" She says clearly clueless.

I laugh harder and I piss myself even more. I pull out my wallet and hand her Cassie's fake ID. I laugh so hard when she asks, "What could I do with this?"

I fall off of my barstool laughing so hard.

"What?!" She demands.

"It's ur ID!" I say whisper laughing.

"Ohhhh!" Gina exclaims laughing along with me.

I finish drinking my drink and slam it on the counter top. I order two shots of tequila and drink them both in an instant. After a while I have had three shots, two drinks, and one beer.

Gina didn't drink hers. "Okay, its time to go home now." Gina tells me.

"Nooo! I wanna stay..." I yell at her whining.

"Come one!" She says pulling me out of the stool. I fall on the floor in a wave of laughter. She practically drags me out of the bar and onto the street.

When we get onto the street we both sit on the curb looking out. The street lamps caused shadows across cars leaving half the parking lot lit up. You can still hear the faint sign of music blaring though the bar behind us.

I hold my head in pain and after a while exclaim, "Ugh! This music is killing my head!"

"Okay, lets go." Gina says pulling my arm attempting to help me stand up. I stand up and lean on her shoulder. We hobble over to the car and pile in. "Keys." Gina say holding her hand out. I slap the keys in her hand and lean back into the passenger seat.

Gina starts the car and starts to drive the five blocks away.

"C'mon! Give me a turn! I'm not gonna crash us!" I slur out clumsily reaching my hands across the steering wheel.

"No." Gina states.

"C'mon! Please!" I plead and turn the steering wheel from the passenger side.

"No!" Gina yells at me, straightening up the car.

I become angry and turn the wheel as hard as I possibly can! "Gina!" I yell. She turns her head towards me and back towards the windshield. A big semi-truck was headed straight towards the front of the car. Gina attempts to turn the steering wheel but I keep my hands firmly placed.

"Let go!" She screams at me! "LET GO!" I become angrier and turn the wheel harder. The semi-truck gets closer and closer. "Let g---"

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