Chapter 30

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{Mae's POV}

Everyone went out for a nightly walk on the beach. I sat in the locked bedroom anxiously waiting for my time. I sat here for thirty minutes until I figured it was safe enough to go out. I saw my friends head towards the right when thy left so I decided to go to the left.

I unlocked the bedroom door and stepped out into the living room and off the porch. I shut the door and ran. I just ran across the beach heading to the left. The moon was glowing off the sand in silvery patches, giving me light. I ran down by the water letting the water wash up onto my legs.

I couldn't handle the way I being treated. The guilt and hurt I was carrying around gave me a sudden burst of adrenaline. I ran faster and faster avoiding a couple of nightly walkers. Tears streamed down my face and blowing off into the wind of me running.

My breath shortens and my throat closes. I keep running until my head goes light and I fall to the ground. I'm short of breath and tears squeeze out of my eyes. I can't breath. No one was around so I stayed, unable to catch my breath. I tried to breathe in but nothing worked. I tried to stand up but I fell to the ground. I sat there not knowing hat was wrong. Then I remembered. I used to get these when my dad abused me or my mom bullied me. I would go short on breath in an anxiety attack.

I grabbed my knees and pulled them in close to me. I reached for my breathe but got nothing. I staggered a breath in my but my lungs refused to accept it. I took short breaths in not getting nearly as much oxygen than I needed to to breathe correctly.

After twenty some-odd minutes of not being able to breathe, I stood up inhaling deeply trying to catch my breath again. I got some oxygen so I picked up my pace again and began to run.

I ran faster than I had before ignoring the searing pain in my chest from lack of oxygen. My 'friends' would be back soon so I couldn't let them find me. Not like this, not at all.

I kicked at the sand, managing a run. I splashed in the water but continued to run. The ice cold water felt good against my legs as I ran. It helped me ignore the pain of my muscles telling me to stop running.

But in fact I liked the pain. I enjoyed feeling it. It made me feel, feel like I was a real person rather than some fake person who everyone claimed that I was.

Sand popped up in my face as I continued to run across the beach. People's crap was left on the beach so that was an obstacle to avoid it. My feet moved fast until I came across the sign. The sign read:


I thought for a second before skipping past the sign ignoring what it told me. I jogged slower knowing that I had been running for a while and I doubted that my 'friends' would find me.

Jogging slowly I noticed that the state park eerily empty. I was guessing that it's probably because it has an opening and closing time.

Walking slowly let me hear all of the sounds around me. It was eery and creepy so once again I picked up my face and began to run. I tripped over the loose white sand, glowing in the moonlight so I ran down by the water in the harder sand.

After running for what was probably about 4 hours I spotted a tent and went up to it. Underneath the tent were towels and toy shovels nestled in the sand.

I laid out a towel and plopped down on it. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. I drifted off in a deep slumber.


I woke up to some crazy mom yelling at her kids to stay away from me. She apparently walked over to me and whacked me with a shovel.


"Who are you and why are you here!" The lady yelled at me.

I had forgotten that I had fallen asleep under someone else's tent. I burst up.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I said as I stormed off into a complete run not wanting to stay and deal with an angry mom.

It was early morning and I hadn't eaten anything since lunch the day before but I didn't want to. I remember people telling me that I am fat so I decided not to eat.

My head throbbed from where the shovel hit me and my ribs throbbed from my sister. Tears streaked down my face in pain but I continued to run. No matter what no one could find me. I hope they think I'm dead. I hope they never come looking for me and I can be left alone.

I looked at my feet as I ran until I trampled someone.

"Oh sorry!" I said brushing off sand that had gotten on me. I looked up into the persons eyes and I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. It wasn't I was just dreaming. I shut my eyes tight and reopened them. He was still there.


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