Chapter 5

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{Mae's POV}

I stop kissing him and he smiles. "I love you. And I know it might be to soon but I had to get that off of my chest." Cain blurted out.

My heart races and a tear rolls down my cheek and drips off my lip.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that. I didn't mean to make you cry. "

I smile. I punch his arm, laugh and wipe the falling tears. "I love you, too." I smile and laugh.

Cain looks surprised but happy. He gets out of the car and opens the back door. He grabs my crutches. He opens my front door for me and greets me by bowing on one knee and saying, "For my lady."

I giggle and say, "Oh my Prince Charming, I am so glad that you've come for me." I take my crutches from him and just smile. That's all I can do is smile.

We walk through the door of the school. We go to the floor of our dorms where everyone was waiting. As I walked next to Cain, people kept pointing and staring at me. Some would put the finger to their neck and pretend to cut it.

"Come on Mae its okay. Do not worry about them." Cain whispered picking up his pace.

Not used to my crutches I try to speed up but end up tripping and falling. People gather around me and I hear some of the things that the people were saying.

"Aww trying to look at cute and innocent!"

"Ha! Committing suicide, again!"

There were more but I blocked them out. The whole world slowed and everything went into slow motion. The colors started to fade away and the last thing I saw was Cain calling everyone off of me. I remember him saying something about me being okay, I think.

* * * * *

I wake up to a frigid ice pack on my head. I blink a few times before realizing that I was back in Cain's dorm room. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Cain say running his fingers through my hair.

"Good enough to do this!" I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him really fast on his lips.

"I see." Cain replies. I laugh at him.

Just then Brody walks into the room. Brody was one of Cain's soccer teammates and Cassie's boyfriend.

"Bro, quit sleeping around and come play soccer with us."

"I can't, not today sorry." Cain lies back to Brody.

"Fine..." Brody walks out of the room.

I laugh at how soon he came and left.

"Now, where were we?" Cain says and I laugh.

"We were," I kiss his neck, "right about," I kiss right below his lips," here." I plant a kiss on his lips. He stops kissing me and smiles.

"I love you Mae but all we ever do is kiss. Can we please do something else. I'm sorry."

"No, no, thats totally okay with me." I quickly kiss him on the cheek. "Starting now!" I say laughing. Cain playfully glares at me.

"What did you have in mind." I ask Cain.

"Well, since I care about you and I want you to be alright and I don't want you getting up and walking around or anything else if you know what I mean which of course you do and," Cain stops to take a deep breath in, "I really really love you and I have no idea what we are going to do and I suggested not kissing and I still don't know what to do because I am sort of thinking as I talk and trying to pass the time and---"

"Okay I get the point! What about a movie?" I say cutting Cain off.

"Sure!" Cain says eagerly. "Since you do need some rest and everything." Cain mumbles thinking I can't hear him but I can. He crawls into bed next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I lean my head into his chest. Before Cain can even get the movie started I was fast asleep, laying in his lap.

{Cain's POV}

We wake up to the sound of pounding fists at the door. I gently crawl over Mae and answer the door. Brody and Cassie were there. Cassie pushes Brody in the dorm and pulls me out. She shuts the door behind her.

"Do you know what this is?" Cassie whispered.

"Yes, but why are you showing it to me?" I ask.

"This is ours."

"What do you mean 'ours'. You mean from our deal?"

"Yes!" Cassie looked just as shocked as I did.

"Are you sure? Not Brody's?"

"No! We haven't, we've never." Cassie droops her head low.

"Wait a second! You forced me! You told me to! You told me it was the only way to get Mae back! This is why I shouldn't trust you!"

"You found Mae didn't you?"

"Well yeah..." I reply.


"But that's not the point," I pull Cassie farther away from the dorm, "The point is that if you wouldn't have been so jealous of me that---"

"Whoa, me jealous of you?" Cassie pretends to shove her finger down her throat as if to say gross. Cassie's face turns into a worried expression. "What am I going to tell Brody?"

"I don't know. This is your problem." I say walking back towards my dorm.

"What are you going to tell Mae?" I turn around, point my finger at Cassie and yell.

"You stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours. Work out your own problems and I'll work out mine. Stay away from me and as sure as hell stay away from Mae."

"Fine. As you wish. But you know this isn't over." Cassie says dropping the positive pregnancy test on the floor.

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