Chapter 5

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I walked slowly outside only to gape at the mansion in front of me.  His office was something for sure but his mansion was a different level. It was fully covered with beautiful shinning colorful lights,  it was just like a dream house. The glass windows giving an outlook of the perfect decorations inside.

We walked towards the door, where everyone welcomed us and we did some rituals after which everyone got tired and  descended towards their rooms.

Walking through the hallway following Danish , I stared at the walls and antiques. There were so many beautiful paintings which mesmerised me and I wanted to take a look clearly at each of them but I was tired and it wasn't the right time either.

" You'll be staying in this room, your luggage is already in there, " he informed and I nodded.

I was never used to share my room, closet or bathroom anyone it was like invasion in my privacy.

I didn't even like to share my damn earphones with anyone ! Things were going to change from now on.

" If you need anything don't bother me, " he rolled his eyes and I glared at him which he ignored effortlessly. He pissed me so much sometimes especially when he earlier told me to act like a happy couple with him in front of his family and friends. I was a great actor but I hated his bossy attitude.

I walked and looked ahead further. The bathroom was so big and spacious, all I wanted to do was to get in the shining bathtub.

Turning around, I stared at the room. It was indeed felt like I was dreaming. There was a glass window which was attached to the small balcony,   a big couch and don't even get me started with the big bed!!  The most amazing part was the color of the room, it was all so dark.

As soon as rude ass walked out of the room,  I squealed and jumped on the bed. " Woo hoooo! " I did a little crazy dance and then sighed realising the quietness of the room. It was all so calm and lonely.

I changed into my pajamas and tee ,then crashed on the bed enjoying the soft mattress when I heard a sound from the door.

I looked at it and saw the door knob twist and open, revealing an irritated Danish in his grey sweatpants and white tee-shirt. He did look good in casual clothes .

By good I definitely meant handsome.

But his eyes and twisted face made him look super dumb. He walked inside as if he owned everything, which he basically did but right now it was my room too.

" Take the couch,  I'll sleep on the bed, " he ordered and I sat upright narrowing my eyes at him.

and with that he was on bed, his head on pillow and hands crossed across his chest as he stared at me.

I immediately got up from the bed, " I was sleeping on it before! " I whined and he gave me a bored look.

" Take that couch, " his commanding voice scaring me a bit but I was a stubborn brat.

" You take it! "I replied and he gave me an amused look but his glare didn't go anywhere.

" If you don't want to sleep on the couch then sleep here only! Stop irritating me," I clenched my fists and laid on the other side of bed but I snatch the pillow away from his head and kept it in between.

" Seriously Kashvi!" he gave me an exasperated look,  ignoring him I turned and closed my eyes.

Calming myself down I turned around when I could not sleep I entered the bathroom.

I groaned loudly as I slid inside the empty bathtub.  Hot tears made there way down my cheeks, I was holding onto them since I left my house because I simply didn't want to cry in front of Danish.

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