Chapter 10

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I was making tea for everyone when mom came and patted my head, " I am so happy Kashvi," she said which made me curious.

" Danish did not leave, thanks to you," she said and I turned around turning the flame lower as I nodded at her. I remembered how Danish said that I was a responsibility and that was the sole reason he was here.

I sighed and served everyone the breakfast. Danish as usual was not here and already left for work. Dad and Advika were busy eating , Dadaji and mom, well they were looking at messed up Sameer and laughing.

His shirt was half tucked inside his pants and half outside, his hair sprawled around and tie loose while he turned around the pages checking his assignments and arranging them in his bag.

I shook my head at him and walked slowly towards him.

" Sam, at least come and have breakfast first, " mom suggested to which he shook his head," No mom, I am getting late, " he replied.

I hit his head lightly and motioned him to go and eat while I took over his task of arranging his bag.

" There's your brother, who is always so disciplined, organized and punctual. And look at you," dad commented.

Well, Sameer and Danish were completely different , no doubt. I was glad for which as I and Sameer shared such a good bond, he had this aura to make everyone around him happy but his brother, all he managed to do was scare or shut people off.

I arranged his stuff in his bag and then went to serve him breakfast.

" You are the best," he mumbled and hugged me before he left. I smiled and shook my head, he was my brother before he was Danish's brother after all! We came that close in this small span of time.

Advika snorted at Sameer's words which I ignored and told mom that I was going to work.

I looked at Savio, rolling my eyes I sat inside the car. He was dressed up in all black and he hardly uttered words. At least in front of Danish I've always seen him nod or say ' Okay boss, ' or ' Yes boss'.

" Why are you here for me? Your boss is more famous and it's him who needs protection ," I said annoyed. Savio did not even glance at me but replied with a brief nod.

" He's more capable of protecting himself and he has other men too," he replied and I nodded. Of course Danish has a whole security team as if he was not a businessman but a mafia leader.

" How do you tolerate your boss?" I asked, which made me grin and corners of his lips also tipped up upon hearing my question.

Of course, which employee would expect his employer's wife to ask such questions. And this was Danish especially , who we were talking about.

" It is my job, Ma'am . I have to follow whatever he has to say, " he mumbled and I sighed.

Of course he has to or else Danish would throw him out.

" What do others say about Danish?" I was genuinely curious to know how others thought about him. I looked at him eagerly but his reply disappointed me a little.

" No-one has guts to talk against boss, at least that's what I have seen," he said.

I nodded and looked outside remembering the day when I went to his office. Everyone greeted him and the way they respected him.

I almost laughed wondering how did Danish tolerate me going against him!

A small smile played on my face as I entered my workplace.

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