Chapter 8

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I was walking inside the theatre looking at the props when Abir came and hugged me but I pulled away immediately. " What's wrong Kashvi?" he asked and I just shook off my head.

He thought I was upset which a part of me was because of the morning incident.

I was playing my favourite song on my Bluetooth speaker when Danish stormed inside the room and turned it off, which followed a heated argument between both of us and then I ended up crying on my way to work because that he was annoying.I loved music and that bt also,It was a gift from my best friend Vidya who lived in Mumbai currently.

I sighed and looked at the director and many crew members who ran inside the studio worried. " Whats happening?" I asked Abir who shrugged in IDK and then we both walked towards the director.

" Kashvi, you need to see this!" one of his assistant told me as they led me out  into the front door. I looked outside the glass doors and was shocked.

The entrance was surrounded by paparazzi and then I focused on what they were saying," We want to see Mrs.Singhania," I backed off immediately.

How did they even figure out!

And then the answer came from my right. Our manager Sandhya Varshi stood there with a newspaper in her hand. She opened it and looked at me, " What the hell is this Kashvi!"  She showed the paper in front of my face and I backed off a step at her sudden movement , grabbing it from her hands I looked at the news.

"Billionaire Danish Singhania's wife revealed!! : Kashvi Singhania , both couples were found enjoying their night at the Charity Gala organised by...."

My eyes fell on the photo,  where Danish has my hand in his as he stood and my hand was on his chest.  It was a candid pic and from what I remembered it was probably taken after the waiter incident happened.

The news about Danish's and our wedding was already announced by the media but my in-laws kept my identity hidden considering Deepti's escape.

I sighed and looked at her," I am sure there is a misunderstanding," Abir interrupted taking away the newspaper but what was I supposed to say when the truth was already out.

" You hid such a big thing from us Kashvi!" she exclaimed and I looked outside the doors. " I am sorry, I was about to," I lied and walked ahead to the doors , when my phone ringed and I looked at the screen . It was him.

" Hello," I spoke and then as usual his command came." Do not step out, I'll be there in a few," I heard him say and then he hanged up.  I was quite surprised as to how did he also figured out?

I watched the commotion ahead of us waiting for the centre of the topic for the media aka my husband to arrive.

And then the black Jaguar parked at the entrance,  and Savio walked out along with Danish. He gave cover to him and without even a single bump,  his boss managed to reach inside.  As soon as he stepped in, his eyes found mine and ignoring everyone he strode confidently towards me.

" You okay?" he asked and I furrowed my brows but then realised it must be for the sake of people around us. I nodded and glanced at my director and others who stood silently, some watching him in awe and some as if he wasn't real.

" We're leaving ," he declared and I told him to wait for a while . I got my bag and then took the permission after which we walked towards the crowd again, " Relax!" he whispered in my ears,  his voice tingling my insides. 

Savio helped us get in the car,  once out of sight of the paparazzi I was finally somewhat relieved. It completely creeped me out as to how people found out my workplace and that our private life would not be that much private. The most hard to digest thing was that I was his wife in front of the whole world now to know and that people were always going to look at me differently.

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