Chapter 13

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I looked towards the bed as he laid there all still , the doctor had checked on him earlier and injected the drug to lower his body temperature down as he was literally burning with high fever. Also his blood pressure went down.

" Bhai will be fine," Sameer said walking out taking mom who really got worried seeing her son in such state.

I sat on the edge of the bed after everyone left and looked at his face. His hair sprawled on his forehead, eyes closed and he looked so different when he slept.  But he had this dominating aura around him all the time.

Touching his forehead with the back of my hand,  I felt his body temperature was as it is. So I walked to the closet to get a handkerchief and then   after squeezing it in water I applied it on his forehead.

My mother always used to do that when I had a fever.

When I woke up early morning,  he already left for his work. He was not even well enough but worked like a machine.

So workaholic!

" Bhabhi, I got us the tickets of the latest release, " Sameer excitedly said as he entered my room. I smiled at him and then looked at the watch, I was already late and Abir was going to come and pick me up any moment.

" Thanks, but I'm not free today Sameer. " I said running the comb faster than usual to untangle the knots of my hair. I was sure they looked like a bird's nest.

" We can postpone, I want to go with you, " he said and I nodded quickly making a pony.

After getting ready finally while Sameer chatted sitting on the couch,  I picked up my bag finally.

" Aren't you going to college?" I questioned and he gave me a look which clearly showed his disinterest. " I'm on vacation," he mumbled and I shook my head at his carelessness.

Once after coming back, I decided I was going to give him a good lecture.

"Bhabhi ka paltu kutta,"( Sister-in-law's pet dog)

We heard a high pitched voice and I did not even need to turn to know it was Advika.

" At least I'm faithful unlike someone," Sameer mumbled pulling me away.

Advika and I never got along with each other.  And we weren't going to be either as far as I could see. She hated me and I had a strong dislike towards her spoiled behavior.

" Come back soon, and stay hydrated, " Mom said giving me a glass of juice which I took politely. " My son already doesn't listen, I don't want you to get sick,"

After finishing my breakfast I hugged her tightly, " You are the best!" I mumbled and then heard a honk followed by my phone ringing.  I bid them goodbye and walked out to Abir who was waiting in his car.

We had an act to discuss that is why he was picking me up for which I had to take permission from the Devil at least for half an hour till he agreed.

I was singing 'Kaleshi Chori' on top of my lungs along with the speaker from which the song was blaring as I folded my clothes. Doing few moves here and there.

It was time around the evening and music helped me relax after working hours. I kept my clothes in the closet when all of a sudden the music stopped and a loud thud came from outside. Running towards my speaker I stared at it shocked, few parts were lying here and there and the plug was also out of the socket.

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