Chapter 1

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The whole house looked lively,  kids were playing around,  delicious aroma of sweets and desserts filled the whole house and relatives chattered around.  The engagement preparation was going on with full swing, everyone was happy. After all,  marriages, festivals and occasions were the only rare occurrence when life seemed easy and joyful,  apart from the daily chores and work,  entertaining and capturing memories with one another.

" Ahhhhhh! " Just then a shriek from upstairs made everyone go quite .

Rolling my eyes, I walked upstairs to the source where I saw Deepti standing across the mirror, grabbing her hair and glaring at no-one.

" Why did you shriek!? " Rushant Bhaiya (elder brother)  , my cousin asked his sister and she just groaned loudly.

By now,  my mother,  brother ,badi ma and all the cousins surrounded the doorway, looking at the drama girl who was going to get engaged within next two hours or less.

" My hair, " she said, " they aren't done yet. " Badi maa smiled and walked towards her, "Awe, wait my bacha ( my kid)  the stylist is on her way, " she said placing her hand on Deepti 's shoulder but she pushed it away.

" I'll sue her, " she yelled.

She was always like this,  badi maa always over -pampered her and because of that she always acted like kids. God knows,  how her husband is going to deal with her? Reesha rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand, " Di,  let's go downstairs, "  I nodded and followed her out.

Reesha was younger than everyone in the house but she was far more better than Deepti and more mature.
" You look pretty, by the way, " she commented looking at me.  I was wearing a black long skirt and beige crop top with a black dupatta which had  golden dangling pearls around the border.  My dark brown hair were sprawled around my both shoulder reaching out to my waist and I did just a little bit of makeup. Overall,  it all suited my curvy but tall figure.

" You look beautiful too, " I complimented Reesha and she grinned big. She was wearing a long red gown,  which was simple yet elegant.
We sat around the garden looking around at the decorations, "  She's finally getting engaged, " Aryan stated and took a seat near us.
" I'm just wondering how her groom is like! " Swati , my friend exclaimed and Vinay nodded.

No-one knew who her would be fiance was because we were all out for a movie when they paid us a visit. The only person who met them were our elders and Deepti.  When we asked her how he looked,  she just smiled big and said, " He's hot as hell!! "
No-one said what he did, we just knew that his name was Danish.

To be honest we were all a little impatient to see him!!

We sat there,  laughing and talking around half an hour when my phone ringed .
" Hello! "
" Kashu,  come here right now! " I heard my father say on the call. (kaa-shu)

Hanging up the call,  I walked towards the house looking around for him.

" She's here, " my mother said as I made my way inside the house.

" They are here and being the elder one after Deepti, you will welcome the Singhania family, " Taauji said sternly and I nodded.

He was the eldest in our family and the most strict person. According to him,  everyone should be disciplined and obey his rules or you regret. No one ever raised there voice in front of him.

Walking towards the main door,  I walked out  with my brother and elders  , there were two cars parked.  An elderly man with his stick stood there with a beautiful girl around Reesha's age and a guy  older than her  .  A beautiful lady,  like my mother stood with another guy.  Since I was standing at the back,  I couldn't see their faces clearly.

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