Chapter 14

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I stirred in my sleep and turned around snuggling more into the pillow hugging it. At least that's what I thought .

" Kashvi," I heard Danish call me and I groaned and turned around.

" Let me sleep," I mumbled and then remembered the events happened  yesterday and immediately opened my eyes.

Oh my God! My face, he must have seen by now.

I covered my face with my hands ," I've already seen your bruises," he said. As expected.

I lowered them and looked at him, his dark orbs staring into mine as he pulled away slowly and stood up turning around to leave to the restroom.

I bit the side of my lower lip nervously, glancing around the room my eyes fell on a folded small cloth soaked in a water bowl. It was not there last night, there were also few tablets and tubes on the bedside.

I frowned and then yelped in surprise when I felt a hand on my forehead. I looked ahead at Danish," You had a fever last night," he mumbled and then sat on the edge of the bed looking at me coldly.


Did he take care of me last night? Or was it because of others?

The thought of Danish taking care of me sent shivers down my spine and at the same time a weird warmth spread within me.

" Start Kashvi, who did this to you?" he demanded an answer. As expected.

I sighed and stood up slowly, my head felt a lot better than yesterday at least.

" One of your crazy obsessed female fan who happened to be my manager," I replied and he ran his hand through his hair as usual.

He looked around my whole face and I felt so insecure at that moment wondering how much messed up I looked right now.

Here, he's the epitome of perfection!

" Not anymore , I'll deal with her and you are not going back to theatre for few days ," he informed me and it made me fold my arms.

I was not going to let him deal with my matters and my fights. He couldn't just go ahead and take over my things.

" You won't," I said as firmly as I could which made him shrug carelessly.

He took a step towards me, " You are a Singhania, and if anyone in this family gets hurt, they face me," he said and grabbed my hand.

I just shook my head as if trying to tell him to not but he looked at the scratches in my hand. " Do not argue with me for this one, " he said and walked out.

God! I knew how much ruthless he can be!

And I never wished for anyone to get hurt on my expense at least. And if they deserved then I should be the one taking stand not anyone else.

Why was this man so tough!

I sighed and did my morning chores, I was getting ready sitting in front of the mirror when I focused on my face.

"I'll ruin your face and then he'll leave you, ugly,"

I remembered her words as I stared at my reflection, I looked ugly enough to scare a kid away!

"How am I going to face everyone?" I questioned myself which he heard as he just entered inside the room. " Your medicines are there on the table, " he said walking towards me, " Do not go out or I swear Kashvi this time I'll not spare you,"

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