Chapter 15

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I dressed up in a beautiful blue organza Saree, my hair braided on a side and my silver bangles and anklets made sound in the quite hallway as I walked downstairs.

I never liked make up but I tried my best to hide all the signs of my bruises.

" Kashvi, apologize to your parents from my side," mom said as she approached me.  I hugged her assuring that it was fine if she wasn't accompanying me.

Grabbing my clutch I walked towards the door where Danish was waiting for me. As soon as I sat inside the car he turned towards me,  his intense gaze staring at my face making me almost squirm in my seat. 

" Do I look okay?"  I questioned him, my insecurity surfacing.  He turned away,  giving me a slight nod, " I'll leave you there and come back to pick you up after an hour," he said.

" Do you know what this is actually about?"  I questioned him but all I got in return was his silence.

Sighing I focused my attention on the sky, half of it was covered with dark greyish cloud while the other half was clear. It was going to rain before evening for sure .

Once we reached , I was about to open the door but Danish was quick to put it on child lock.

Confused at his sudden movement I turned towards him," Kashvi,  just make sure to give me a call in case anything goes wrong," he said and I laughed at him.

He was too much at times.

He cares about you,' Vidya's words ringed in my ears.

She was right after all!

" This is my family, I'm not coming here for the first time. Every thing will be fine," I replied motioning him to unlock the door.

He didn't turn his eyes away from mine as he followed my sign but there was something hidden behind his face. His expressions and eyes told a different story as if he did not want to leave.

Waving at him,  which he ignored by the way, as always,  I walked inside the house.

The insides were decorated with colourful lights and flowers ,the hall was full of guests. Mostly there were only close relatives.

" Di, you came alone?" I turned towards the source, Ree approached me dressed up in a pink lehenga adorned with white beads on the borders.

I hit the back of her head lightly, " Why?  Were you expecting Sameer to accompany me? " I asked and she shook her head immediately.

She looked around nervously ," No di. Just asking where's jiju?" she asked making me narrow my eyes at her, " Liar," I mumbled and she just gave me a sheepish grin.

I looked around for other family members when my eyes fell on a familiar figure, " What is she doing here?" I questioned turning towards Reesha again.

She sighed and squeezed my hand," She's getting engaged today," Ree said and I stood there dumbfounded.

She was already married, moreover she was pregnant.

" Kaajoo come here," my another cousin Vinay approached me, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the backyard.

I followed him to wherever he was leading me, my eyes met Deepti Di but she gave me a huge smile.  She looked happy and not at all sad,  her belly showed a small bump but she tried her best to hide it.

" What the hell is happening!" I shouted, all confused when we were finally out of everyone's sight .  Vinay laughed and handed me a glass of water ,grabbing it from the server.

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