Chapter 9

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I arranged the plates of my reddish pink satin Saree and tucked it underneath . After one final look I smiled contently and applied my vermilion , after walking out I hugged mom ," Come back before he comes, " she warned and I nodded.

After the paparazzi incident, Danish had warned me to not go out alone at all. If I went to theatre I would have Savio with me always and if I wanted to go anywhere else I had to take his permission. He abided the contract and allowed me, just not on my terms.

He was getting on my nerves with his restrictions, even Taauji was not this strict!

So I had to lie today, my another best friend Vidya was coming back from Mumbai after so long just to see me. There was no way I was going to let him mess with whatever I did.

I was like a bird, who couldn't afford to be caged.

And I was thankful to mom who understood me completely, she supported my plan and told Danish that I was going to rest today as I was not well, so there was no need to send Savio.

After which she allowed me to leave.

I hugged Vidya as soon as I saw her. " God! I missed you so much," I mumbled and she grinned. " So how are you Mrs. Kashvi Danish Singhania? Quite famous, no?" she teased and I smiled and rolled my eyes. She was the only person who knew the truth behind my and Danish's marriage.

Vidya was my best friend after all, I never hid anything from her!

I took in her appearance, she was wearing a blue suit which suited her so well and she was glowing.

" Is there a good news?" I smirked and she patted my forearm lightly," Manav isn't ready for a baby right now, he's going through some new plans and after they are executed we'll be looking forward to it," she reasoned.

I smiled at there thoughtfulness. They were college sweethearts , got married as soon as they both settled in their lives and they were just so perfect together.

At least she had someone in her life to look forward to. And here I was stuck!

We both went to her favorite ice-cream parlor and were busy savoring the flavors when a voice froze me," So here you are," I shut my eyes tightly and folded my hands as he approached us along with Savio following him.

I would know his voice anywhere!

Ignoring him I kept eating my ice-cream, trying to control my anger because him knowing about my whereabouts was way too creepy and down right annoying!

" Hey Danish," Vidya acknowledged his presence unlike me.

He nodded at her and then his black orbs fixed on me, " What did I tell you Kashvi?" his voice was low and soft as he questioned me but his eyes spoke volumes.

They had this hidden anger which could lash out any moment.

" I wanted to come and spend time with my friend," I said and he glanced at Vidya and then back at me. " And you couldn't inform me? I told you not to come out alone!" he said angrily.

I sighed and folded my hands against my chest," And I am not a kid Danish! I will do as I please," I said stubbornly making him glare at me.

He ran his hand through his hair as he grabbed my wrist tightly.

Now even I was a bit scared but I was pissed too at him at the same time." You are coming home with me after you finish this," he announced walking away with Savio leaving me even more annoyed.


" He cares about you Kaashu," Vidya smiled looking at his retreating figure and I shook my head.

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