Chapter 20

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" Di, " I heard Ree and turned around immediately .

She looked pretty in that dress she had mentioned, behind her there stood my mother and badi maa. I walked towards them and took their blessings after touching their feet.

" You are looking beautiful, " badi maa complimented me while mom also patted my head. I smiled at them and looked at the entrance, " Where's dad?" I questioned her.

I really missed him, last time also in Deepti's engagement I couldn't talk to him properly.

" He's busy with some clients," mom said and I nodded .

I really wished he was here. If it was in my hands, I would go to my house often to meet my parents, but because of Taauji that house wasn't mine anymore.

Everytime I went there, he didn't like the idea of my visit so I stopped going there. It was only these occasions or functions where I met my family otherwise all I did was talk to them over a call.

They both walked towards mom who was talking to dad, she looked tensed and I knew the reason.

Bua daadi went to her room, excusing the guests telling that she had a headache just after Danish had told her to leave straight away.

Everyone's mood was spoiled after whatever happened upstairs but we all had to act normal in front of others.

I felt really bad as I was the main cause of this situation. If it was someone else probably bua daadi wouldn't have acted the way she did.

My hand involuntarily touched my cheek where she had slapped earlier.

I had to literally apply a concealer over the area as it appeared a little reddish. I sighed and looked towards Sameer's direction who approached us.

" Bhabhi, you alright? " he asked and I nodded turning towards Ree who stood beside me. " I'll get you something to drink," I mumbled excusing myself leaving both of them.

I was filling the glass of water for myself when I heard mom." Kashvi, you go and serve the prashad to everyone," she told me and I nodded.

She was about to leave when I called her and she stopped in her tracks.

" Are you mad at me? " I questioned her. She turned around and walked towards me slowly. Her expressions at the moment resembled her son's , blank.

" Tune Kuchh kiya kya?" she asked and I shook my head negatively. ( You did something wrong?)

She raised her hand ahead and I backed off immediately thinking she was going to hit me " Then why will I be mad at you," she mumbled giving me a brief smile as she patted my head and I gave her a stupid smile in return.

I had went against her wish and talked back in front of bua daadi, moreover Danish had asked her to leave and I was the reason so I expected that mom might be upset with me.

I was relieved that she wasn't.

I walked outside with the Prasad and started serving everyone, " Buttercup, I'm also here," I heard Rahul and turned around.

He stood there with Danish standing next to him. I walked slowly towards them, Rahul forwarded his hand for the prasad but Danish remained as it is.

" I don't want it," he said firmly and I gave him a look, " You can't say no to prasad,"I mumbled and motioned him to forward his hand. He looked at me and then at the bowl in my hands ,

" I can," he mumbled and I frowned as he walked away.

" Let him be, I'll gladly take it twice," Rahul mumbled and I nodded. " Buttercup, he doesn't believe in God," he answered my unasked question.

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