Chapter 2

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I was sitting and eating my chocolate,  savoring every bite but it got snatched by my annoying brother.

" Give it back to me! " I yelled running after him but he just laughed and ran down to the living room.

" Aaryan!  You stupid monkey! " he just kept running, I wasn't looking around but just at him when I collided with someone.

" I'm so sorry, " I said and froze to see Taauji glaring at me. 

Why the hell is my fate hell bent to murder me!?

" What are you doing? " he asked, his tone serious as if I was an employee and he was the boss.

" T..taauji he just snatched away my chocolate, " I stuttered and regretted saying that childish reason but it was the truth.

" You are a grown up girl now, not a kid anymore, " he stated and I looked around to see my cousins and others staring at the show going on," You are engaged and going to get married within a week, " I felt like snapping at this ' Yeah marriage that was supposed to be Deepti's! ' but I couldn't do that to him now, can I?

" One daughter of this house already gave us enough reasons to keep our head low and feel ashamed,  I expect you to not do something like that. Start behaving yourself we don't want any kind of complain from your in-laws and stop playing around and start helping in the kitchen and household chores.  "

I nodded like an obedient child but only if he knew what I did behind his back!

" And you will not go anywhere till the day you get married, " he announced and I took a deep breath.

" What about my job? " I asked slowly.

" Take a leave till that or leave your job, you are supposed to handle household now, " he said as if 'Duh'

The words hit me like a slap, just because I was getting married didn't mean I was supposed to be a housewife. How could he even think like that! It was ridiculous.

Before he could drop any other stupid bomb, his phone ringed. I turned towards my mother who just gave me an apologetic look because there was nothing she could do after all!

She always  told me that she won't let me get married for another decade for the same reason. She didn't want me to be a housewife.
Tears welled up in my eyes but I never cried in front of anyone, so I just blinked again and again.

"Yes Mr. Singhania, " Taauji said and I wondered why they called.

" It's a pleasure... No don't worry about that.... Sure, we'll drop her by, " he said and hanged up the phone.

" Go and get ready,  they want to get your ring changed to your size, " he said and I nodded and walked away.

Reesha followed me as I walked back to my room. Taking a deep breath I walked inside to change my clothes when Ree's voice stopped me.

" Why are you doing this Di? " she asked and I smiled bitterly. " Doing what Ree? " I asked her.

" Acting as if are perfectly fine, I know you are not! " she snapped hugging me.

Rubbing my tears furiously,  I pulled away, " I'm getting late. Hitler will kill me, " I laughed playfully. 

We all used to call Taauji - Hitler  , a part of me felt that he knew his nickname but another part of me argued that if he really knew then we would be six feet under already.

I was sitting in the passenger seat with Rushant Bhaiya because he was taking me to my fiance's office.
Yes,  I called him my fiance . It's better to accept truth when you couldn't do anything else

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