Chapter 6

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" Is she dead? " I heard a muffled voice which disturbed my sleep.

" Check her breathing and pulse for that, " another familiar voice said.

" Are you two done? " a steely voice, the one I knew too well by now. Danish.

" Wake her up, Bhai, " Sameer said, " she's not responding, " I groaned loudly and opened my eyes slowly only to see Sameer, Rahul and Danish looking at me.

Rahul just laughed and Sameer looked somewhat relieved while Danish as always rolled his eyes.

" What's happening? " I asked confused.

" You weren't waking up so I thought something happened, " Sameer said sheepishly grinning.

" You thought? " Rahul smirked ," She sleeps like dead," Sameer replied,"and then we heard Danish speak.

" Out, " giggling like school girls they walked out. Sameer and Rahul were really friendly , the only question that always arose was how did they even tolerate Danish!

Sighing to myself,  I stood up to do the same.

" Where were you? " he asked before I could step out of the door. His voice as hard as it can be and I wondered why was always like this.

Angry. Intimidating. Powerful. Demanding and Bossy. And Cold at times which was most of!

But I would never let him rule me ever. Turning around back to him,  I narrowed my eyes at him.

" I guess it was the rule of contract that I can go wherever I want to without any restrictions. "

" No-one is stopping you from doing so, " he spoke, " but you still need to inform me about your whereabouts. As I said earlier, the title 'Mrs. Kashvi Danish Singhania ' isn't a joke. " 

Mrs. Kashvi Danish Singhania.

It didn't sound bad coming out from him. But it was all temporary. After one year it was all going to change.

" Tell me Mr. Singhania, " I was in a mood to try. Try to piss him off. The long day I had gone through,

First the cooking thing, fight with Advika, my director getting mad and Abir's unwanted hug.  I did sleep well,  but I still wanted to do it anyway.

I was no good,  I was an evil and since I was disturbed I wanted to have a little fun.

" I'm back home then why does it matter where was I? " I asked curiously and he just sat down on the bed.

" So that I know you didn't do anything reckless and spoil my name, " his bored tone making me try hard. Of course he was concerned about his image.

That's all that mattered to him.

" I was at work, and if working as a bartender and bar dancer spoils your name then I'm so sorry, "  his whole calm demeanor changed into something between surprise and anger. 

He glared at me as always but this time I wanted to laugh out loud.

" You know Mr. Singhania,  " I took a deep breath and stared at him seriously,

" Working as a bartender isn't a bad job as you think. Serving those customers and watching them getting drowned in alcohol, every customer has their own story, I have so many good friends there and besides dancing is like my love, " his just stared at me like I've lost my mind,

" You don't have any idea how dancing there on the beat of music around that pole feels, entertaining all of them. I love pole dancing,all that crowd roaring and hooting , having the power" which I indeed did, just not in front of hundreds of sweaty drunkards.

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