Chapter 11

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Danish dragged me outside , his hold getting tight around my wrist as I tried to pull away.

" What the hell Danish!" I shouted at him as we reached inside the main entrance of the house. He glared at me as he let go of my hand finally.

He took a step towards me which made me move back involuntarily . He looked so pissed off at the moment and I knew angry Danish was dangerous.

I did not dare to utter a word against him when he was rash driving to here, but he was hurting me by now.

" You have two minutes to explain," his voice on the edge as he questioned me." Explain what?" I asked him confused.

He was angry, understandable but if Yash lied what was my mistake here!

" How the hell that freaking Mehra knows that my wife dances!!" he asked taking a step towards me. I bit my lip nervously as I looked into his eyes.

I was surprised the way Danish was reacting.

There was mild possessiveness behind his words, the way he pronounced 'my wife' . The question was why he was behaving this way?

I stared into his dark orbs which held so much anger that they could burn the another person alive.

" I was at the studio two days back, practicing and he happened to be there. I don't know him," I replied and he took a steps forward.

With his each step I could feel my heart racing faster because with Danish, you never knew what his next words or action could be.

"It sure did not look like that," he said and I clenched my fists as I tilted my head a little upwards since he was taller than me." That is the truth, I do not care what you think," I mumbled and was about to walk away.

When I felt him pull my wrist harshly making me wince as the bangle I was wearing broke.

I turned and looked at him back," If I ever found Kashvi that you know that Mehra , I'll never spare you," he warned . I yanked my hand back and looked at my newly formed bruise ,

"You are such a jerk!" I cursed staring at my hand. Danish glared at me but this time I returned it back. " Do not dare speak to me that way Kashvi," he warned but I was too pissed at the moment.

" Or what! You'll slap me! Beat me? Manhandle me again?" I snapped at him.

He went silent as his eyes moved down from me to my wrists and then back to my face. I expected an apology from him but who am I kidding here?!

This was Danish again, he gritted his teeth and walked out all angry without saying anything.

I sighed and rubbed a hand down my face trying to calm myself down, but I knew what was going to come. Hot tears flew down my eyes and I was silently crying as my body shivered and throat felt constricted.

I was neither good at repressing anger nor did I express it too much.

My habit was whenever I got angry , my body often started shivering and tears always betrayed me.

I sighed and washed my face, changing into comfortable clothes I sat on the bed and stared at my wrists. His fingerprints were quite visible, I took a cotton and cleaned off the blood and the cuts I got from bangles.

" Your husband will beat you to pulp if you will misbehave with him!" Aryan had joked once when we were sitting and having breakfast. I glared at him in return,
" He won't even dare look at me with those intentions, or else I just give you namesake beating, he won't even survive the next day," I said when my dad came and hit the back of my head lightly.

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