Chapter 7

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It was almost second week after my unwanted and unexpected wedding. Every morning I'd wake up at 6 , yeah I am trying to work hard. Make breakfast for everyone, tea for Danish and then get ready for my work. I'd come back by 6 in the evening, prepare tea and evening snacks again for everyone and then help the workers in cooking dinner and try to learn. Then everyone came back, we'd have a dinner talk here and there and off to bed.

Things were going smooth, sort of but then it was my life and without any ruckus it would be incomplete.

I was sitting in the room reading scripts for my role which luckily I got back when I heard a knock on the door.

I turned and looked at Danish walking inside. His wet hair were sprawled across his forehead and he was wearing a full sleeves grey tee and black pants. He might be a jerk but dude was surely handsome. I looked at his face and he was staring at my huge picture which I hanged on the wall, where I found the place empty.

" You want something?" I asked and he turned back towards me. " Mom is calling you downstairs, she's going for shopping, " he said and I nodded ,

" and I want you to buy a decent dress for the charity event, you are going to attend with me tomorrow, " he ordered and I rolled my eyes at him.

Him and his orders!

" Who said I'll go with you? " I questioned him back sternly and he ran a hand through his hair.

" Clause 5: Party B will have to accompany Party A for any kind of outing or family function, " he stated and I glared at him.

I stood up and kept my scripts somewhere safe and then tied my hair in a loose bun, " You are going downstairs like this? " he asked pointing at me from head to toe and I shivered under his intense gaze as it moved from my sleeveless tee to my shorts which I might add were too short and then to my bare legs.

I cleared my throat and walked towards the closet embarrassed, " Of course I'm going to change, " I closed the door and took a deep breath.

I never wore these clothes outside of my room and in front of others. Because I knew that we had boundaries, even at my home I was never allowed to wear such clothes and I was sensible enough to know that as a daughter in law I couldn't just wear such thing outside in front of them.

I knew that Advika was allowed to wear anything she preferred but then again she was the daughter of this house and I was daughter-in-law.

There was a huge difference, no matter how much everything changes, no one could erase this.

I changed into a suit and walked outside and was surprised when I found Danish still sitting there on my bed. " What happened? " I asked and he just looked at me and then walked out.

What was that?

" Kashvi, let's go, " I heard mom say and I followed her outside. " You know I'm so happy finally that I have you in our family, I can be free now and I trust you with all the responsibilities, " she said and I smiled at her.

" Mom, are you not mad at me? " I asked her curiously. I wanted to know this since the day I entered this house. " For what? " she asked back.

" You chose Deepti Didi, and then everything happened. I wasn't your choice but she was, " I said looking at her but her smile didn't falter even after listening to this.

" I was mad before, but after your engagement I accepted you and to be honest, I am quite happy about you because she ran away without any care . I thought about it later that if she was this selfish then we were lucky that the engagement did not take place with her and about you, " she patted my head and said, " You didn't even complain once, for your family you accepted this big decision which they imposed on you. That shows that you might be not my choice but you are definitely perfect for my Danish, "

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