Chapter 13

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-Mollys POV-

Oh god. When do I tell them? When do I tell Beau? I'm only 21! I haven't even got myself a proper house yet, the girls are gonna hate me for this! A screaming baby waking them up every night? They'll hate it. And Beau, hes definitely gonna leave me for sure. His career just starting off, hes finally getting somewhere, but once again, I'm holding him back, like I have been for the past three years. And now, I'm pregnant... Great.

-Beaus POV-

I don't know whats really happening between me and Molly at the moment, I mean, shes the most beautiful girl I have ever been with, and now I think shes cheating on me, and if not, definitely wanting to end it off, after three whole years as well! I love her so much. I cant lose her, shes my life, along with my friends and the Janoskians. At the moment, I'm just on the way home, trying to stop worrying about everything.

I open the door and the moment I step through the door, I see Molly crying with a comforting Lydia, and Jai sat at the table. Lydia was looking very concerned whereas Jai, was just being Jai. "She won't tell me whats wrong..." Lydia whispered into my ear whilst I hugged the life out of Molly. "I-I need t-to tell you something-g." Molly said through hiccups, because of crying. "My room?" I asked, and she nodded.

I slowly walked up the stairs, making sure Molly was okay. When we arrived at my room we both sat down on my bed and I looked her in the eye, something was definitely wrong, and in a bad way. "Well, you remember a couple of weeks ago, when we..." She gestured something and my eyes widened. She can't be!? I'm so sure I used protection! "Well, i'm pretty sure you know whats wrong now, but i'm going to say it anyway, because its all so surreal still. I'm-"

-Mollys POV-

"Pregnant." I finished, scared of what his reaction would be. I burst into tears at the fact of him sat there not saying anything. When he came back to life, he looked happy. "Hey! What are you crying for? I'm over the moon with this! I mean... Im gonna be a dad!" He said with a massive grin on his face. "I was just scared that you would leave me..." I said pretty embarrassed. He would never leave me. "I love you so much..." He said whilst chuckling and standing up. He picked me up and spun me around. We were gonna be the best parents ever.

-3 hours later-

We had just been layed down on Beaus bed for the past... I don't know how long! I had, had my head rested on his shoulder as he played with my hair. We had talked about the most random things, making me feel the happiest I've felt in ages. "How do you want to tell the others babe?" Beau asked me. "I haven't really thought about it..." I said in a dazed confused tone. He laughed, "How about, I organize a meal for tonight, and we can announce it then?" He suggested. "Perfect" I said with a smile on my face, lifting my head up to kiss him. 'I love this boy so much sometimes.' I thought.

-Jais POV-

Today had been a really chilled out day, just me and my girl. I smile at the thought. We have just had a bit of a movie day back at ours. I don't really know where everyone else has been. They all went off in couples. "I'm thinking of maybe starting my own YouTube channel." Lydia just said out of no-where. I laugh at her randomness. "You should! Go for it! I'm sure Luke wouldn't mind helping you out with setting it up and stuff?" "Yeah, I'm gonna do it!" She said sounding really excited. "But, I think i'll start tomorrow." I laughed again, and this time she joined in. My phone then interrupted us with a 'Ping', I picked it up and saw I had a text from Beau. Why? Hes only upstairs? I asked myself.

Older Brother;)-

Everyone is going to the Italian down the road tonight at eight, can you and The Lidsternator make it as well? Kind of, a big group meal, should be fun! Me and Molly have to tell everyone something, btw, love you bruh x

I laugh at how abrupt the text is. I read it out to my baby girl and she laughs, especially at 'The Lidsternator' part. We both check the time and see that its six already, Lydia stands up and says "I better go back then." She says, "Hold on babes, let me get ready real quick and then we'll both go from yours after your ready?" I pleaded, I really don't want her to leave. I never do. She laughed "Quick!" She commanded, and gestured for me to go upstairs and get ready. I jumped up and ran to get ready, but then turned around and gave her a kiss before going to get my stuff.

-Lydias POV-

"JAI!?" I shouted up the stairs, he'd been twenty minutes! I need to get ready and look good! "Coming!" He shouted back, I heard steps, which finally lead onto him appearing at the top of the stairs, I smirked at how fit he looked. "Like what you see, eh?" He said whilst smirking as well. "I'll be in the car!" I said, still smirking but slightly blushing. I grabbed my bag and keys and went to get into my mint green mini. I then mentally face-palmed at the fact that, I had forgotten to put my shoes on. I then smiled gratefully at Jai, who walked out the house, still smirking holding my shoes. I went and kissed him before putting my shoes on and getting in the car. I'm so stupid sometimes.

As soon as we got back, I had the quickest shower in the history of showers. I then rushed over to my wardrobe, with 'half an hour' at the back of my mind. I decided on a slimming black dress, to my hips, and then a floating skirt following after it, It had a jewel encrusted collar as well. I can remember getting this dress. Jai had picked it out not so long ago, but I couldn't afford it, so he went back and bought it for me. One of the many little things he usually does, bless him. I then, quickly dried and curled my hair and did my makeup, a slightly smoky eye, with a red lip. Perfect. I then rushed downstairs, grabbed my bag and keys, shoved my heels on and checked my appearance in the kitchen (swaggy I know). I then turned around to see Jai, checking me out. "Like what you see?" I said with a smirk, trying to copy what he did to me earlier. "Get in the car," He said laughing. Tonight was going to be fun with this one, he was in one of those moods, and I suppose I was as well!

-Mollys POV-

We had been sat in the car park for the past 15 minutes now and I was nearly shitting myself from nervousness. I think Beau could tell because he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it to try comfort me. I suppose it help abit but I still felt sick. I was scared of what everyone was going to say, react. I was scared about everything. After about another five minutes, the familiar cars, that belonged to our closest friends started to show up. We got out the car and went to greet everyone, I could tell this was going to be a long night, if not everything went to plan.

Everyone looked very smart and stunning, that's what its like with us all and going out for meal. You either go big, or you don't go at all. I'm not sure why we all make such a big effort to be honest! At the moment we were all sat at our large table, laughing and joking with each other, deciding what we were going to have to eat. That's it, I'm getting it over and done with, I feel so sick. I need to tell everyone now. I nudged Beau and we both tried to get everyone's attention, discretely, without bringing attention to everyone in the restaurant.

Beau started off, "So, guys, you all know that were here now for me and Molbear to make an announcement, and to have fun! So I think were just gonna tell you, and get it out in the open, Molly?" He said, whilst gesturing for me to tell everyone. "Yeah, okay, well... I don't really know how to say this easily, so here we go... I'm pregnant." "EEEEEEKKK!!!" Lydia screamed whilst getting up to hug me. "Were gonna have a little baby! Me and Jai are godparents everyone! Just saying!"Jai looked lovingly up at her, whilst she joked and everyone laughed. This followed up everyone else to get up and congratulate me. When Abbie came to hug me she whispered, "Congratulations!" "Thank you." I replied, with a grateful smile. "So now we all know that rumour about Beau having no dick is fake!" Erin said coming to hug me. This made everyone laugh even more, including Beau. Today went not as bad, as I though it would. Turns out that I actually do have people who care about me!


Hiya Guys!

Thankyou for 300 reads, I know its not much but im proud! I really want to know who some of you readers are so heres some social media-

Twitter: @BROOKSBABE098

Instagram: its_lydsxo

Love ya'll x

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