Chapter 27

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Surprise! I came home early and I finally have wifi! Enjoy Lovelies x

-Lydia's POV-

"Daddy it's just so pretty!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands, standing up to see my new car out of the window. I was sat with Erin and Jai just on Skype to my parents, because well, lets be honest... We missed speaking to them!

"At your age I was still working in Superdrug! And now look at you! Modelling, living in LA, and now you've got a massive Range Rover! We are really proud of you, Lydia." My dad said, making me tear up.

"Thankyou dad." I said gratefully, wiping away my tears, "Now, where's mum and Max?" I asked, plonking myself into Jai's lap, curling up for a cuddle.

"Did they not say?" He asked confused, "They've gone out to find an apartment for Max, I don't go because A, I wanted to see your car, and B, I hate watching people spend money! Haha!" He found it really funny, and was laughing for a good few minutes, but we just watched him.

After about another half an hour, we ended the call on my dad, with goodbyes of course! And started making plans for the beautiful sunny day, set ahead of us.

"Shopping?" Jai asked, looking bored out of his mind.

"Nooooooo, I don't have any money left!" I said giggling.

"Beach?" Erin asked, not taking her eyes away from her phone.

"Yeah! We'll invite the whole gang and it can be our last stress free beach trip with no kids!" I exclaimed. "Jaiiiiiii? Will you please send the group chat a message asking them all to meet us on Venice beach? I'll bring food?" I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Anything for you!" He replied sarcastically, leading on to me running over to him and punching him playfully.

"Excuse me?" He said, pretending to cry, but because I'm so gullible I believe him, and run back over apologising. "Hahaaaaaaa! I got you so bad!" He got up and started chasing me around the house.

He eventually got me, picked me up and kissed me softly on the lips, creating a full on make out session. We were like this for a good five minutes, before I pulled away and smirked.

"You gonna write that text for me?" 

"Anything for you." He replied, kissing me hard on the lips for a few seconds and carefully placing me back on the ground.

"Im gonna go get ready!" I squealed, excited to wear my new bikini.

"Im gonna go watch you get changed!" Jai shouted laughing, I blushed and ran up the stairs.

"BEACH TIME!" Erin shouted from the very back of my new car, it was a seven seater so I had agreed to take Erin, Skip, Molly and Beau, with of course, Jai. Abbie, Luke, James and Brooke had all gone in her car as she didn't mind not drinking.

"Not even lying Lyds, I am actually in love with this car, I mean, everything is just perfect, even the inside!" Beau said, still in awe.

"Thank your younger brother, and not Luke!" I said, laughing. But it was true, if it wasn't for Jai helping me at the Range Rover Garage I wouldn't have it.

"This could be us next year babe! A beautiful baby girl strapped in the back and us up front singing to everything on the radio!" Molly said.

"Please video that!" Skip said, unexpectedly.

"So thats something you'd be interested in?" Erin said, I could see her smirking at him through the rear view mirror.

"Pass me the AUX cable please baby?" I ask Jai, who's sat next to me in the passenger seat.

"There you go!" He says, in his usual chirpy voice. I quickly plug my phone in as were stopped at a red light and turn on FriendZone, the boys newest sing that they have released.

The three Janoskian members that are sat in the car, suddenly turn very red. Just to make it better, I roll down the windows and turn the song up.


"Why did you give he the cable?" Beau asks Jai exasperatedly.

"Hahaaaaaaaaa!" I shout over the music, pointing at Beau through the mirror.

I pulled up in a space, in a car park just next to the beach, I could see Abbie's car parked just a few spaces down, which was quite handy.

"LETS GO!" I shouted, turning the engine off and putting my new Ray Bans on.

We all walk over to where the rest of the squad were sat, and settle down, sorting all our belongings out. I didn't really bring much as I knew for a fact that I would be in the ocean most of today.

I quickly take my singlet and high waisted shorts off, and walk down to the shore, when all of a sudden I can hear the guys running down, and like instinct I can tell that they are going to drag me in or push me in at the least.

I break into a run, and make my way deeper to get to safety. Most people would probably think that it was the other way around, but in this case it certainly wasn't.

In this situation it seemed there was no way out, as the boys thought I was gesturing for them to chase me and splash me, this definitely was not what I was going for, but I decided to roll with it, and eventually I was soaking wet. Yay!

After about and hour and a half of me being in the water I decided it was time to get out and try for a tan.

I walked over back to our spot and started to get dry, before coming to the realisation that Molly was no where to be seen, I personally thought she was with us in the sea, but goes to show how observant I am.

I jogged over to the shore and shouted,

"GUYS WHERES MOLLY?" All of them stopped what they were doing and staters to look a bit like lost penguins. Beau most of all, looked worried.

"IT'LL BE FINE! ILL TRY WALK ALONG THAT WAY!" I shouted, pointing over in the direction of the longest side of the pier. I got a few 'Okays' shouted back, but Beau insisted that he go the other way and Erin come with me incase 'something was to happen'.

"Surely she couldn't have gone far, I'm sure she just wanted a bit of a breather." I said to Erin, who was now walking beside me.

"Hmmmm." She replied with, as if she knew what was coming, it was weird.


Hi Guys!

I missed ya'll! Anyway, I'm really sorry about not updating, but,

A) I just didn't have the time.

B) There wasn't any wifi, which was like hell!

Anyway, I'm sorry that this was quite a short chapter, but trust me, Im going to put a lot of work into the next two as there will be a lot of drama! I also haven't edited this chapter as i don't know how to do it with the new update on laptops, pathetic, I know😂

Thank you for 1.2k btw! Im not sure if I thanked you already? Oh well!

Bye for now Lovelies!💋💖

Lyds x

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