Chapter 28

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-Lydia's POV-

We had been walking for around 20 minutes now and we had got no luck!

"I think we should just turn round Ezza, I mean Beau might have found her going the other way?" I said, kind of turning it in to a question. I turned around and looked over to where the squad were sat, I couldn't see Molz anywhere, I was so confused?!

I found Jai's eyes and we both looked at each other for a moment before me blowing him a kiss, and his face turning quite sour, I thought it might have been me before I turned back round and saw what erin was doing, to what it seemed like a guy...


I looked back at Jai and signalled for him and the boys to come over and help me, as Erin could be quite a handful sometimes; especially when she was trying to beat the hell out of someone she hated.

I ran over to them both and tried to prise them off of eachother but it didn't seem to work, I was too weak. At this point I had seen that Molly was stood up, looking quite panicked, I thought it was for the whole fight but then I realised her water had broke.

"Oh God! Molly!" I quickly gave up trying to stop Erin from severely damaging my ex-boyfriend, and placed my hands over my mouth, I was in complete shock. She wasn't due for another month!

At this point Jai and Luke were both trying to stop Erin, but Beau was no where to be seen.

"Crap!" I shouted, "Abbie, ring Beau tell him to meet me by my car, Jai come here now and help Molly, and Luke," I looked up to see what he was doing, and he was still trying to stop Erin. "Carry on what you're doing!"

No one had really caught on to what was happening but they had still done what I had asked.

Molly was definitely trying to keep her calm, but I could tell she was very scared, as she wasn't ready for this at all.

Me and Jai both had hold of her hands, she was squeezing them both, very, hard.

"It's okay babe, you keep breathing, deep breaths." I said, trying to calm her down, she was in so much pain, she just 'hmm'ed' back.

Jai gave me a quick worried glance as we were carefully walking along the beach, I just replied with a comforting smile.

By the time we got to my car, Beau was already there, looking very out of breath and panicked, I quickly let go of Molly's hand and ran over to him.

"Hey! So, everything is fine, and will be fine, you just need to keep calm otherwise that'll stress her out even more, me and Jai will drive you both to the hospital and even stay if you want? The main thing you need to remember is that she's really scared, so you need to keep comforting her and do not run off!" I said, letting him giggle nervously.

"Lets go people!" I shouted, climbing into the drivers seat and letting Jai and Beau both help Molly get into the car, now, she'd got to screaming every time a contraction came which wasn't the greatest but we could deal with it.

Jai was the last to get into the car, so he quickly got in, shut the door, and allowed me to drive off.

Halfway through the car journey the car phone began to ring, it was Abbie.

"Hello?" I said, mainly focusing on when the god damn traffic lights were going to change!

"Hi! I've got Luke, Erin and Skip in the car and were just behind you! we'll probably be around ten minutes, because Erin needs to calm down.

"What the hell happened? Erin?" I asked.

"I know, I'm sorry, but he was there again and urghhh, I hate him Lyds! He was talking to Molly in his creepy little way he does and he was just about to kiss her and-"

"He What?" Beau interrupted through gritted teeth.

"Can- we- not?" Molly asked through her breathing, we all replied with 'sorrys' and ended the call, as we had just pulled up in the hospital car park.

I quickly got out the car and ran inside to get a wheelchair, whilst the boys were getting Molly out, whilst I was inside, I quickly spoke to the receptionist, and said we would be bringing her in, and she would need assistance.

Me, Jai, Luke and Erin were all sat in Molly's hospital room, watching her scream every so often, and then continuing our conversation.

We were establishing how long it would actually be before the baby was born with Molz's private midwife she had asked for.

"Well, I hate to break it to you Molly darlin' but its gonna be a long time yet, i't seems that you're waters broke when you were not very far along anyway. Usually we don't keep you in, but because of your unfortunate loss earlier in your pregnancy we would like to keep you in."

Molly screamed in frustration, or maybe pain, we will never know!

I walked over to Jai who was sat at the other side of the room and sat on his knee, he wrapped his arms around me and I could tell we were gonna be like that for a longgggggg time.


Hi guys,

I'm sorry for the short chapter but it was kind of just a filler. The next chapter will be much more dramatic and longer - I promise!

Love ya'll💋

Lyds x

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