Chapter 24

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-Jais POV-

The other me😏-

'Hey bro! I was just dropping in a text to ask how you were doing? Are there any fit girls out in good old California? Haha! Only joking, Abbie's the one for me! Mum says hi, and so does Lala. See you soon dude! Love ya! x'

I chuckled at his text, he's such a player! I sent a quick reply, before jumping in the shower and getting ready for the day. The girls were all going for a tour around Calabasas Dash, and trying out a few test shots. This house is so big! Like legit massive, the garden is bigger than our house alone, and that's pretty big!

I had just finished gelling up my hair, when I heard a faint singing noise, come from down the hallway. I quickly slipped my boots on and opened the door, to see a half ready Abbie looking confused as well. We slowly walked down, wondering what the noise was, in case it was some sort of doll that was coming for us. But we knew it wasn't, we knew perfectly well who it was.

We made it to North's nursery, and peeped our head around the corner to see my beautiful girlfriend rocking her, and singing to her. She looked so natural at it. I know that when the time comes, she is going to be an amazing mother. Whether it is with or without my children. I gave a glance at Abbie and we both smiled at each other, before taking a quick video of her and running back to our rooms.

-Lydias POV-

Today was the day we were going to be meeting Kourtney and Khloè! We were going to model, and take a tour around the Dash store, closest to us now. And according to Kim we were going to be meeting a few Dash Dolls! I couldn't wait!

I had done, my skin routine, had a shower and dried my hair, but that was it, as I was told people would do my hair and makeup for me! Fancy Dancy! I shoved on a pair of skinny's, an oversized jumper, and my Timberland boots before we got in Kim's black Range Rover and drove off. I was sat next to North in her little baby seat. I had kind of taken over the role as her nanny, but to be honest I didn't really mind!

We pulled up outside the large, modern store, surrounded by paparazzi.

"Kim, you park up and let security take you in, we'll follow behind when it's calmed down with North, if you want?" I suggested, the last thing I wanted was for one of us to get hurt. Kim then turned around to look at me, whilst placing her designer sunglasses on.

"Are you sure?" She said with a concerned look, craning her neck round to see her daughter.

"Of course. They never saw us in the car, so as soon as you've gone inside, they'll leave, and we will come in." I said, Kim returned with a grateful smile, and got out the car, and did her signature strut, through the paparazzi and into Dash. Abbie turned to look at me.

"Today is going to be a long day..." She said, but happily as she was excited.

-After shots and tour of the store-

"And this, is Ellie!" Khloe said, gesturing for us to come and meet us. "She is head Dash Doll, and model! Basically the manager of the headquarters." She continued.

"Nice to meet you!" I said, kissing her cheek, then standing back to allow the others to do the same. This was the perfect time to talk to Kim. I nodded my head when she turned round, and immediately she came over with North on her hip.

"Hi honey! Something wrong?" She asked.

"Oh no! Not at all! I just needed to ask you something about Luke? You know Abbie's boyfriend?" 

"Of course! What is it babe?" She asked again.

"Errm, well he's here, you know how I said we were surprising Abbie?" She nodded. "Well Luke is outside your house now and wants to know how he can get in, just to be casually chilling when Abbie gets back? Is that okay? I mean I can get him to leave if you want? I said, worriedly, causing her to laugh. 

"Oh no! Sweetheart not at all! Errrm, send him a text saying if he knocks three times on the front door, my agent will let him in. I'll just send her a text now, warning her! Haha!" She said, still chuckling.

"Thankyou so much!" I said clapping my hands, I was so excited to surprise Abbie like this.

"No problem hun! Now, would you take North back to the house for me? You can drive right? I need you drive you all back with my baby girl because I have a really important, last minute meeting! Please? I know to trust you know! I'm even considering to hire you as my little assistant thingy!" she said laughing.

"I love how you trust me like this! Of course I will! I'll see you back at the house okay?" I said, kissing her cheek, with North now on my hip.

"Of course! Have fun, and remember to video the surprise! I want to see Abbie's little face!" She said, I replied with a nod, and laughed. 

"Jai! Abbie! Lets go my little chickadees!" I called over to the big group, I then walked over and thanked, and said goodbye to everyone as I didn't want to seem rude.

"What do you mean lets go? Where's Kim?" Abbie asked, quickly following behind me and Jai, we looked like a little family. We walked out to the beautiful car, which was my dream car! And I unlocked it and allowed everyone to get in whilst I strapped in North.

"You're driving?" Jai, who was sitting in the passenger seat looked at me, I hit him playfully, this caused North to let out a little giggle, it was so cute!

As we were halfway through our journey home, Abbie said she wanted a Starbucks, which made me then want one, and Jai as well.

"Ask Siri where the nearest one is?" I asked Jai who was on his phone. After he had done what I had asked, it turned out the nearest Starbucks was about 2 miles away, so we went and got one. I felt like a proper celebrity to be honest! I was living the dream right now!

We pulled up outside Kim's mansion and I took out the keys.

"You really surprised me! Might even consider getting you one of these babies if you drive like that!" Jai said, slapping the dashboard.

"Hey!" I shouted, getting out of the car and going to take North off of Abbie who had just got her out of the car.

"She is so gorgeous, isn't she?" Abbie said.

"She really is..." I said, focusing on locking the gates and car properly and then tickling North, letting her giggle again. I felt so responsible! We opened the door and I asked Abbie to wait in my room for a minute. She looked really confused but did it anyway.

I walked into Abbie's room to see Luke casually lying on her bed scrolling through Twitter; he jumped up and hugged me! 

"I missed you!" He said.

"Yeah, yeah I know you did but save that for your actual girlfriend okay?" I said laughing, causing him to laugh as well. I quickly turned on my video on my phone, and then shouted Abbie and Jai. Jai was the first to enter.

"WHAT THE HELL?" He shouted going up and hugging his twin brother, followed by Abbie, who screamed, jumped up onto her bed, pushed Jai of the bad, and snogged Luke's face off.

"What are you doing here? She asked excitedly in between kisses all over Luke's face.

"I couldn't let my beautiful girlfriend go through this experience on my own could I?" He said, smirking. I felt so proud to have done this all on my own!


Okay, guys,

I know I said I wouldn't but after a while, writing fan fiction can get really addictive! Aha! Again, thank you so much, for all your support and 1k!

Bye for now lovelies! 

Lyds x

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