Chapter 16

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-Erins POV-

Last night was amazing. Skip is amazing. My head hurts, and I have the worst hangover but I really don't care. Usually, you can't remember anything, but the weird thing is, I can remember it all. Every little bit. I just hope that my gremlin does, otherwise I will be crushed, I'd be so annoyed, but I guess it wouldn't really have been his fault anyway. The alcohols.

I had got up before Skip had, so I went down and made him some breakfast, scrambled egg on toast, with a glass of orange juice, okay, I'm not the best cook but I try! I carefully walked back up the stairs, not letting the food slide off the tray. When I arrived at my bedroom, I saw Skip, sat up, looking on his phone. When he had realized that I had appeared by the door, he smiled. "Last night was amazing." He stated, a wave of relief rushed over me as I climbed on to the bed carefully, and planted my lips on his, I pulled away, "It was." I replied with a great grin.

-Half an hour later-

We had eaten all our food and just enjoying each others company, when something came to my attention. Everyone else. Where were they? Are they dead? I'm so confused. "Where is everyone else babe?" I asked with a nervous laugh. He just looked at me, and then it hit him. He let out a confused laugh, "I really don't know..." He stated, "I'll call Luke, you call Abbie?" He said. "Got it." I said.

-Lukes POV-

We have had no sleep whatsoever. I am shattered. Beau had done nothing but cry, we all know what has happened, but the only people who were allowed to go in and see her, were Lydia, and Jai. Not even Beau. The amount of shit that my older brother is going through right now must be so hard. I feel so bad. Abbie, hasn't been allowed in either, so I have had her, asleep in my lap all night. I'm surprised she slept to be honest.

I had just about, let myself doze off for a few minutes when mine and Abbie's phone started to ring at the exact time, this made Abbie wake up very disorientated and shaken up, which didn't exactly help. I let Abbie answer hers, as I presumed it was Erin ringing her and Skip ringing me. They'll be together anyway. I heard shouting through the other end of the phone, and all Abbie replied with was a "Hospital, Molly. Baby, come now." She ended it and burst into tears again, she was still really upset about it all. I pulled her in tightly, and gave her a massive hug. "Shhhhhh..." I said soothingly.

-Lydias POV-

"Babe?" I whispered to Jai, who was staring into space. We were in Molly's hospital room still, she was asleep, I had managed to persuade her to let me bring Jai in, seen as she insisted I stay with her. "Yeah?" He replied, coming over to me from the other side of the room, gesturing for me to stand up, and let him sit down. I did so, and then plonked myself on his lap and snuggled up to him. "Can we organize for you to maybe get a key for our house? I just think it would make me feel safer, and if anything wa-" "Yes, stop fretting." He paused and kissed my forehead, "You are cute when your nervous though." He added, I giggled.

-3 hours later-

"Molz?" I asked, still attempting to grab her attention after five minutes. She turned to look at me, "Don't hate me, but I seriously think that you should speak to Beau, if anyone, he's the one that you seriously need right now. You need to see him, Molly." I said in a stern voice. She sighed, and nodded. "Okay, will you go get him?" She asked me, "Okay." I said with a smile.

I got up from the severely uncomfortable chair and walked outside, into the waiting room, to see Beau being comforted by Jai. He's so sweet, he has been ever since we met when we were three. Beau lifted his head to look at me. I nodded, to gesture for him to go and see her. He jumped up, and almost ran into her room. I walked over to Jai and sighed, whilst sitting down next to him. "Bless him." I said, "I know." he replied, kissing my forehead.

-Beaus POV-

The amount of tears i've shed recently is unreal. I keep trying to stop in case Molly needs to see me and I have to be strong. For her. But I can't, why doesn't she want to see me? I just need to see that she's okay, I can't stand not being able to comfort her.

Jai had been sat next to me trying to help me feel better for a while now, I appreciated it, but it wasn't really working. Until Lydia walked out the hospital room, and nodded. I immediately knew what this meant, so I jumped up and almost ran in to see my baby girl.

When I walked in, it all hit me like a ton of bricks, she looked so distraught! All this time I had been crying, thinking that everything was wrong, but in all reality, Molly was going through it the hardest. I'm so selfish, I didn't even say anything, just slowly got into her bed, wiped her tears away, and kissed her passionately before cuddling her like my life depended on it. I love this girl so much, and I will love these babies with all my heart. Even if one of them, I won't be able to see all the time. But they will be in my heart, constantly.


Hi guys,

I know these past few chapters have been really sad, but something good will be happening soon! I promise! Thankyou, for sticking with this book. I know its not the best!😘

Love ya'll!


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