Chapter 21

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I'm ill right now, uurghhhh, and i was really bored so I thought I would update for you all! Enjoy!


-Mollys POV-

"What about Nora?" Lydia asked, trying to keep a straight face, at the moment, me, Beau, Lydia, Jai, Erin, and Abbie were trying to think of a beautiful name for my beautiful little baby girl. Daniel, James and Luke had all gone to the gym, so this just left us with a lazy day on the sofa!

"Oh my God! Yes Lydia!" Abbie laughed, we all looked at them both to ask what they were on about, "Me and Lyds both got up again this morning at about four, lets just say we were thinking of baby names, whilst tired and slightly drunk!"

"So that's where you were this morning! I missed our regular spooning..." Jai said, pretending to be sad.

"Awh baby Jai-Cakes, i'm sorry boo." Lydia said, walking over to him and reaching down to kiss him.

"Do you two ever do anything else other than kiss each other?" My dorito, said laughing.

"Awh leave them alone!" I said, playfully hitting him, "Its cute!" I continued, causing both Lydia and Jai to blush slightly.

"Anyway, I kinda like Isabella?" Erin said, leading on to Beau agreeing with her.

"Isabella Brooks..." He muttered, testing how it sounded. "That's nice..." He said.

"Nooooooo! Amelia! That's nicer!" Abbie shouted.

"Alright! As my gorgeous girlfriend would say, Calm all your farms!" Jai interrupted.

"I seriously don't know, what name to pick..." I muttered, I was so emotional I felt like I could cry, "I don't know what's wrong with me!" I exclaimed, letting a few tears escape my eyes. Beau pulled me onto his lap.

"Baby girl, there's no need to cry..." Beau hushed quietly into my ear, chuckling.

"Hormones babe, that's what it is." Lydia said, standing up, coming to comfort me.

"I don't wanna be pregnant anymore..." I sobbed. "I want to be skinny again! I don't feel pretty at all!" I shouted at them all.

"Awh baby, we know, you're so tired chicken, should we go get some sleep? Yeah?" Beau said, speaking to me like I was a little baby, I replied with a nod, and let him carry me upstairs.

-Lydias POV-

"Awh bless her." I stated, kind of in a day dream, but still talking. As I was staring into space, Erin broke my stare as she walked in, after taking a phone call.

"Guys, I have to go to the studio, they want me to do a single shoot, don't know why." She announced to us all.

"Okay?" Abbie and I, said at the same time.

"Love yas!" Erin shouted walking out the house.

"And then there were three..." Jai said.

"I fancy a Maccy D's..." Abbie said quietly, this caused me to burst out laughing at her randomness.

"Lets go get a Maccas then?" Jai said.

"Yeah, we'll grab a wild Luke Brooks on the way there as well?" I suggested. They both replied with a 'yes' and we walked out to my Mini.

"Your car is actually bae Lydia, like, you don't even know." Abbie said, looking at the vehicle in awe.

I smirked a bit, before replying, "Oh trust me, I do!" Jai then went on to laugh.

"She talks about this thing all the time Abz, it annoys the hell out of me!" He said, still laughing, I joined in with the laughing, but in a sarcastic way, and then I went on to hit him.

-15 minutes later-

We pulled up at the gym, and as predicted, Abbie screamed because her beloved Luke had no shirt on. Luke got in the car just as Jai was about to talk.

"Urghhhhh, like can you maybe not make children on my girlfriends brand new, back seat of her car? Thanks." This made me laugh so much I nearly cried. This also made the couple in the back go very red, after their full on make-out session.

"MACCAS!" I shouted, as I saw the sign come into view, I carefully drove into the car park and pulled up in a space that was free. We all got out the car, and strolled into the McDonalds, there were a few lovely fans in their as well which was nice, we took photos and got some food, this was all until I got a text from Erin.

Bubzi 💞💎

'Hey! You need to come down to the studios now. They have some great news? I don't know what it is because they aren't telling me until out get here. So can you? And hurry up!💋'

I quickly sent her a text that we were on our way, and said to Abbie that we needed to leave now. The boys moaned, as they wanted to eat their food.

"You can eat it in the car, as long as you don't make a mess! Now hurry up!" We ran out to the car, and drove to the studios. What was this all about?



I have been off school today, because I can hardly speak, and lets just say, I now know the Kardashians very well! I think i've watched about eight episodes? This is kind of a filler chapter, sorry for the rubbish quality of it. My heads not working properly 😂. But anyway, thankyou for all your reads and votes! I really do appreciate them!

Until next time lovelies!

Lyds x

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