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“This looks extremely dodgy,” Aurelia spoke as she jumped out of the rover, the door slamming shut behind her. She shoved her handgun in the back of her waistband and turned on her flashlight,  moving forward as she surveyed the area with both Bellamy and Jaha.

She hesitantly followed behind Bellamy who followed Jaha down a steep slope, the older man clutching onto the digital map in one hand and a flashlight in the other. 

"Cadogan learned how to survive from his father," Jaha revealed as they carefully weaved through the trees, their flashlights constantly moving around in case of threat. "They hunted in these woods." He stopped walking. "This is it." 

Aurelia had been so focused on not tripping on overgrown roots, that she hadn’t noticed the large house that was standing only twenty meters in front of them. She stared up in interest, her flashlight moving over the exterior of the building. It may have been old, and extremely damaged due to being exposed to the elements on top of nuclear radiation, but it was the first proper house that Aurelia had seen, like the ones people used to live in before the nuclear missiles went off.

“Well,” Bellamy spoke up. “If anyone’s entitled to a lucky break, we are.”

"You hear that?" Jaha questioned as his brows knitted together, pointing the flashlight towards the sky. "No insects." Aurelia and Bellamy shared knowing looks, a frown appearing on their faces. "What?"

"Luna said the fish were dying," Aurelia revealed as she turned to the older man. 

Bellamy sighed softly. "What are the things that eat the fish and bugs gonna eat now?"

The girl snorted as she turned to face him with a raised brow. 

"What happened to us deserving a lucky break?" She gestured for Jaha to walk ahead, before following the man with Bellamy on her tail. "So what are we looking for?" 

"The bunker would have been at the lowest point," Jaha revealed, his flashlight lighting up the areas around the house.

"Anything structural," Bellamy added. "Be careful."

Aurelia moved ahead as the other two spoke, her eyes trained on the overgrown trails as she attempted to find any sign of a hidden bunker. After a few moments, her ears perked as she heard the tail end of the conversion between the two males. 

"If you're wrong, and there is a hell," she heard Bellamy say, "I guess I'll see you there."

"Bellamy you're not going to hell," the girl spoke as she turned to face him, realising he was further away than she thought. "Jaha might though. " Her eyes briefly met the older man's before moving back to Bellamy's. "But you won't. Believe it or not, you're one of the most selfless people I know." 

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