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We Are Grounders



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They had been walking for what felt like hours, when in reality it had only been about thirty minutes. It wasn't easy navigating almost ninety kids through unfamiliar territory, not to mention the fear of the grounders attacking looming over them. Aurelia was leading at the front with Jasper and Octavia, her bow and quiver on her back while she favoured her gun.

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when I reach the beach?" Asked Miller, who was walking alongside Drew and Octavia.

"No. What?" Drew responded.

"I'm gonna go surfing-"

"Quiet!" Jasper warned, more worried about a potential ambush. "Keep your eyes open."

That didn't stop Drew however. "No more woods. We'll have the ocean, no more damn trees. Pale blue water."

Octavia suddenly halted and stuck her arm out, signalling them to stop. The McKinley girl looked around, trying to see what had caught the younger girl's attention. As the crowd slowed to a stop, everyone started murmuring louder, and voices called out wondering what was happening.

A whistling noise caught Aura's attention, when suddenly an axe came flying towards them, sinking into Drew's skull with a thunk.

"Oh my god." She whispered in shock, as everyone let out worried cries and stumbled away from the dead boy.

"Grounders!" Jasper yelled in panic, as everyone in the front line started ushering everyone to run back towards camp. It was complete chaos, with people pushing and shoving each other in order to put them out of the line of sight of the grounders.

Bellamy was right after all. They should have stayed behind the walls.


As the last person hurried into camp, Aurelia and Miller pushed the gates closed. The girl moved her way through the crowd towards Clarke and Bellamy, who were standing on the guard post inspecting the woods. The blonde turned around looking at Octavia and Finn, who had joined Aurelia's side. "Lincoln said that the scouts would be the first to arrive."

"If it's just scouts we can fight our way out." Octavia suggested. "That's what Lincoln would do."

"We're done doing what that grounder would do." Bellamy stated firmly, jumping off the platform to face his sister. "We tried it and now Drew is dead. Do you wanna be next?"

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